使用来自 table 的简单 html dom 解析内容,但有一个条件

Parsing content with Simple html dom from a table but with a condition

所以我只想在 'echo' 中显示当天情况为 'Yes' 的人,所以我们假设今天只有 'John' 来自我的数组列表情况 'Yes'.

$people = array('John', 'Greg', 'Mike', 'James', 'Jason');
$situation = array('Yes');
$html = str_get_html('<table class="mytab">
    <a href="#">John</a>
    <td class="s">
    <a href="#">Allan</a>
    <td class="s">
    <a href="#">James</a>
    <td class="s">

$table = $html->find('table', 0);
$rowData = array();

foreach($table->find('tr') as $row) {
    // initialize array to store the cell data from each row
    $content= array();
    foreach($row->find('td') as $cell) {
        // push the cell's text to the array
        $content[] = $cell->plaintext;
    $rowData[] = $content;

echo '<table>';
foreach ($rowData as $row => $tr) {
    echo '<tr>'; 
    foreach ($tr as $td)

    echo '<td>' . $td .'</td>';
    echo '</tr>';

echo '</table>';


John    Yes
Allan   No
James   No 

这让我发疯,我想不通!! 我怎样才能在 <td>s 中搜索并只找到当天 'Yes' 的人?

假设您的 $html 是一个有效的 XML 字符串(意味着每个标签都正确关闭,并且有一个父标签,标签外没有文本),请执行以下操作:

$xml = new SimpleXmlElement($html);

foreach($xml->tr as $tr){
    //you have your td, see what it has

    foreach($tr->td as $td) {


        if(isset($td->strong) && $td->strong=='Yes'){

print_r($result); //this will have array with name of those where YES
    [0] => John

EDIT: ,如果您有 html 的众所周知的 XML 格式,则无需去检查每个 td。在这里,我删除了嵌套循环,并将复杂度从 O(n2) 降低到 O(n)。

foreach($xml->tr as $tr){

    //just in case see if a tag is there
        $name = $tr->td[0]->a;

    $td2 = $tr->td[1];
    if(isset($td2->strong) && $td2->strong=='Yes'){
