Python 不断覆盖参数,即使在函数内外复制时也是如此

Python keeps overwriting argument, even when copied in or outside of function


我目前正在使用 python,而且是新手。不过我喜欢这种语言,大量的简化使您的代码非常简洁。



    def mean_cluster_validation(resultsvalidationparam, validationmethods, mean_methods = 'relative'):
resultsvalidation = resultsvalidationparam
n_clusters = np.arange(2,2 + len(resultsvalidation.keys()))
clustermethods = tuple(resultsvalidation[str(2)].keys())
First we find the best and worst score for each validation method (which gives a certain clustern and clustermethod). After which all scores are made
relative to those scores (giving them values between 0 and 1). Some validations methods are best when low or high values, this is taken into account. 
# Find max and min
validationMax = {}
validationMin = {}
for t in validationmethods:
    currentMax = (0,)# list containing max value, clustering method and number of clusters where value is max for certain validation method
    currentMin = (100000,)
    for i in n_clusters:
        for j in clustermethods: 
            if resultsvalidation[str(i)][j][t] is not None:
                if resultsvalidation[str(i)][j][t] > currentMax[0]:
                    currentMax = (resultsvalidation[str(i)][j][t],i,j)
                if resultsvalidation[str(i)][j][t] < currentMin[0]:
                    currentMin = (resultsvalidation[str(i)][j][t],i,j)
    validationMax[t] = currentMax
    validationMin[t] = currentMin

for t in validationmethods:
    for i in n_clusters:
        for j in clustermethods:
            if resultsvalidation[str(i)][j][t] is not None:
                resultsvalidation[str(i)][j][t] = (resultsvalidation[str(i)][j][t] - validationMin[t][0])/(validationMax[t][0] - validationMin[t][0])
return validationMax, validationMin, resultsvalidation


我很困, 再次抱歉,如果我提出的问题不正确,我的英语很差。

在 python 中,赋值 resultsvalidation = resultsvalidationparam 不会创建一个副本,而是创建一个别名:resultsvalidationresultsvalidationparam 是同一个对象。您可以使用 is 运算符进行检查。

看起来 resultsvalidationparam 是一个字典,因此您可以使用 resultsvalidation = resultsvalidationparam.copy() 创建它的副本。但是,这只是一个浅拷贝,因此不会复制其中包含的任何对象。这将进行深拷贝:

import copy
resultsvalidation = copy.deepcopy(resultsvalidationparam)

为此,对可变类型和不可变类型有很好的理解会有所帮助。参见 here for a nice explanation


param = {'a': 2, 'b': 3}


temp = param 
print temp # {'a': 2, 'b': 3}

然后我们更改 temp 的值:

temp['a'] = 8

现在我们再次检查 param 并且:

print param
{'a': 8, 'b': 3}


来自the Python Data model

Objects whose value can change are said to be mutable; objects whose value is unchangeable once they are created are called immutable. (The value of an immutable container object that contains a reference to a mutable object can change when the latter’s value is changed; however the container is still considered immutable, because the collection of objects it contains cannot be changed. So, immutability is not strictly the same as having an unchangeable value, it is more subtle.) An object’s mutability is determined by its type; for instance, numbers, strings and tuples are immutable, while dictionaries and lists are mutable.


dict2 = dict(dict1)

或者 dict2 = dict1.copy()