选择多个 class 名称并使用 PHP DOMXpath 在 class 中获取子节点

Choose multiple class name and get childnode inside that class with PHP DOMXpath

<div id="conti">
  <div class="no_matter"></div>
  <div class="row-0">
      <i>"child node that i want to get"</i>

  <div class="row-1">
      <i>"child node that i want to get"</i>

  <div class="row-0">
      <i>"child node that i want to get"</i>

  <div class="row-1">
      <i>"child node that i want to get"</i>

  class row-0 and row-1 repeats itself


这是我要解析并获取内容的HTML。我要text node inside <i> tag。我正在使用 DOMDocumentDOMXpath

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = true;

$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);

$row = $xpath->query('//*[@class="row-0" ]');  //my problem begins there. I want both 'row-0' and 'row-1'. How i am gonna choose multiple class?

//and than how i am gonna get `<i>` tag inside every `row-0` and `row-1` class and get the text node?

您可以使用以下 XPath 查询完成所有这些操作:


MDN on starts-with:

The starts-with checks whether the first string starts with the second string and returns true or false.

如果您对这些行中的所有文本节点以及 b 标签中的文本节点以及这些行中可能存在的任何其他标签感兴趣,请使用双斜杠:

$iTags = $xpath->query('//div[@class="row-0" or @class="row-1"]/span/i');

foreach ($iTags as $iTag) {

我不熟悉 XPath,所以我使用 DOMDocument() 遍历每个 <div> 元素。检查它是否具有值为 row-0 或 row-1 的属性 class。如果是,则获取每个元素 <i> 并转储节点值。

foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('div') as $div){
    if($div->getAttribute('class') == 'row-0' OR $div->getAttribute('class') == 'row-1'){
        foreach($div->getElementsByTagName('i') as $i){