使用 Swift 和 CoreBluetooth 创建静态特性

Creating a Static Characteristic with Swift and CoreBluetooth

我正在使用 Swift 2.2.1 构建一个用作蓝牙外围设备的 iOS 应用程序。

我想将一个人的名字宣传为 static 特征,所以我正在创建这样的特征:

    // Build the NAME characteristic
if (identity.name != nil) {
    nameCharacteristic =
        CBMutableCharacteristic(type: performerNameCharacteristicUUID,
            properties: ([CBCharacteristicProperties.Read, CBCharacteristicProperties.Broadcast]),
            value: myIdentity?.name?.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding,
                allowLossyConversion: false),
            permissions: CBAttributePermissions.Readable)



*** 由于未捕获的异常而终止应用程序 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', 原因:'Characteristics with cached values must be read-only'


您不能将 CBCharacteristicProperties.Broadcast 属性 与您自己创建的特征一起使用。来自 documentation:

  • CBCharacteristicPropertyBroadcast The characteristic’s value can be broadcast using a characteristic configuration descriptor.

    This property is not allowed for local characteristics published via the addService: method of the CBPeripheralManager class. This means that you cannot use this property when you initialize a new CBMutableCharacteristic object via the initWithType:properties:value:permissions: method of the CBMutableCharacteristic class.