如何在 Less 中传递带逗号的参数
How to Pass Parameters with Commas in Less
我有一个 mixin,它采用形状的名称及其坐标。我想知道如果坐标包含逗号,我将如何传递我的坐标?
.clip-path(@shape @coords) {
-webkit-clip-path: @shape(@coords);
-moz-clip-path: @shape(@coords);
clip-path: @shape(@coords);
.foo {
.clip-path(polygon, 0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0);
I am trying to achieve:
clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0);
.foo {
@workAround: 0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0;
.clip-path(polygon, @workAround);
你也可以在将变量传递给 mixin 时转义值:
.foo {
.clip-path(polygon, ~"0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0");
这些都确保传递给 mixin 的值是一个字符串。
Note: I second all comments made by torazaburo. Please don't use Less mixins as a way to add prefixes. It is much more simpler to use a prefixing tool like AutoPrefixer or Prefix-free.
.clip-path(@shape, @coords) {
-webkit-clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
-moz-clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})"; /* use interpolation to display the output */
.foo {
.clip-path(polygon, ~"0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0"); /* pass the values as one single string */
或者,使用如下所示的 advanced @rest
variable option。这是一种将可变数量的 args 传递给 mixin 并仍然使其与 mixin 定义匹配的方法。
.clip-path(@shape; @coords...) {
-webkit-clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
-moz-clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
.foo {
.clip-path(polygon; 0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0);
.foo2 {
.clip-path(polygon; 0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0, 100% 100%); /* Less compiler will pick all values after the first as coords */
或者,如果 mixin 只是为了添加供应商前缀(如前所述,我不推荐这样做),最简单的选择如下:
.clip-path(@args) {
-webkit-clip-path: @args;
-moz-clip-path: @args;
clip-path: @args;
.foo {
.clip-path(~"polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0)"); /* just pass the whole thing as a string */
我有一个 mixin,它采用形状的名称及其坐标。我想知道如果坐标包含逗号,我将如何传递我的坐标?
.clip-path(@shape @coords) {
-webkit-clip-path: @shape(@coords);
-moz-clip-path: @shape(@coords);
clip-path: @shape(@coords);
.foo {
.clip-path(polygon, 0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0);
I am trying to achieve:
clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0);
.foo {
@workAround: 0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0;
.clip-path(polygon, @workAround);
你也可以在将变量传递给 mixin 时转义值:
.foo {
.clip-path(polygon, ~"0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0");
这些都确保传递给 mixin 的值是一个字符串。
Note: I second all comments made by torazaburo. Please don't use Less mixins as a way to add prefixes. It is much more simpler to use a prefixing tool like AutoPrefixer or Prefix-free.
.clip-path(@shape, @coords) {
-webkit-clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
-moz-clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})"; /* use interpolation to display the output */
.foo {
.clip-path(polygon, ~"0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0"); /* pass the values as one single string */
或者,使用如下所示的 advanced @rest
variable option。这是一种将可变数量的 args 传递给 mixin 并仍然使其与 mixin 定义匹配的方法。
.clip-path(@shape; @coords...) {
-webkit-clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
-moz-clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
clip-path: ~"@{shape}(@{coords})";
.foo {
.clip-path(polygon; 0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0);
.foo2 {
.clip-path(polygon; 0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0, 100% 100%); /* Less compiler will pick all values after the first as coords */
或者,如果 mixin 只是为了添加供应商前缀(如前所述,我不推荐这样做),最简单的选择如下:
.clip-path(@args) {
-webkit-clip-path: @args;
-moz-clip-path: @args;
clip-path: @args;
.foo {
.clip-path(~"polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 0)"); /* just pass the whole thing as a string */