
Event activated before mouse click (Python, Tkinter)

我正在编写一些代码来移动 canvas 上绘制的形状。它总体上是一个矢量绘图程序,所以我需要能够移动一个形状,然后再移动另一个。




#code for a two shapes
circle = Main_Window.create_image(500,400, image = CircleIm, tags = "circle")
shape = circle
type1 = Move_Shape(shape)
Main_Window.tag_bind(circle, "<ButtonPress-3>", type1.moveShape(shape))

triangle= Main_Window.create_image(500,400, image = TriangleIm, tags = "triangle")
shape = triangle
type1 = Move_Shape(shape)
Main_Window.tag_bind(triangle, "<ButtonPress-3>", type1.moveShape(shape))

class Move_Shape:
    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.shape = shape

def getShapeType(self, shape):
    global shapeType
    shapeType = Main_Window.gettags(self.shape)  
    return shapeType

def moveShape(self, shape):
    #while left button is held down, we want it to move the tagged shape to     move to the position of the mouse
    global b1, currentX, currentY
    b1 = "down"
    newX, newY = None, None
    shapeType = self.getShapeType(shape)

    Main_Window.addtag_withtag("move_shape", shapeType[0])
    #Bind move_shape to moving code
    print("new tags are", Main_Window.gettags(self.shape))
    Main_Window.tag_bind("move_shape","<Motion>", self.whileMoving)
    Main_Window.tag_bind("move_shape","<ButtonPress-3>", self.getCurrentCoords)
    Main_Window.tag_bind("move_shape", "<ButtonPress-1>", self.startMoving)
    Main_Window.tag_bind("move_shape", "<ButtonRelease-1>", self.stopMoving)
    return shape

def getCurrentCoords(self, event):
    global currentX, currentY
     #make sure the coordinates are obtained before user tries to move shape
    coords = Main_Window.coords(shapeType[0])
    currentX= coords[0]
    currentY = coords[1]
    return currentX, currentY

def startMoving(self,event):
    global b1
    b1 = "down"

def stopMoving(self, event):
    global b1
    b1 = "up"
    newX = None     
    newY = None

    return b1, newX, newY

def whileMoving(self, event):
    global shapeType, b1, currentX, currentY
    if b1 == "down":
        newX = event.x
        newY = event.y
        if newX is not None  and newY is not None:
            x = newX - currentX
            y = newY - currentY
            currentX = newX
            currentY = newY
            newX = event.x
            newY= event.y

要使用参数绑定函数,请使用 lambda 关键字:

Main_Window.tag_bind(triangle, "<ButtonPress-3>", lambda shape: type1.moveShape(shape))  

如果你这样做 Main_Window.tag_bind(triangle, "<ButtonPress-3>", type1.moveShape(shape)),Python 将在创建小部件之前调用回调函数,并将函数的 return 值传递给 Tkinter。 Tkinter 然后尝试将 return 值转换为字符串,并告诉 Tk 在激活按钮时调用具有该名称的函数。这可能不是你想要的。

对于像这样的简单情况,您可以在 Tkinter 和回调函数之间使用 lambda 表达式作为 link(我接受了 effbot.org 的解释)