
How to only read lines in a text file after a certain string?


我能够使用以下代码(从 this answer 获得)识别并打印出特定字符串 ('Abstract'):

for files in filepath:
    with open(files, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if 'Abstract' in line:
                print line;

但是我如何告诉 Python 开始阅读仅在字符串之后的行?


found_abstract = False
for files in filepath:
    with open(files, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if 'Abstract' in line:
                found_abstract = True
            if found_abstract:
                #do whatever you want

澄清一下,您的代码 已经 "reads" 所有行。要在某个点之后开始 "paying attention" 行,您可以设置一个布尔标志来指示是否应忽略行,并在每一行检查它。

pay_attention = False
for line in f:
    if pay_attention:
        print line
    else:  # We haven't found our trigger yet; see if it's in this line
        if 'Abstract' in line:
            pay_attention = True

如果您不介意重新排列代码,也可以改用两个部分循环:一个在您找到触发短语 ('Abstract') 后终止的循环,另一个读取以下所有行。这种方法更简洁(而且速度也非常快)。

for skippable_line in f:  # First skim over all lines until we find 'Abstract'.
    if 'Abstract' in skippable_line:
for line in f:  # The file's iterator starts up again right where we left it.
    print line

这样做的原因是 open 返回的文件对象的行为类似于 generator,而不是列表:它仅在请求时生成值。因此,当第一个循环停止时,文件的内部位置设置在第一个 "unread" 行的开头。这意味着当您进入第二个循环时,您看到的第一行是触发 break.



for files in filepath:
    with open(files, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if 'Abstract' in line:                
                for line in f: # now you are at the lines you want
                    # do work

文件对象是它自己的迭代器,所以当我们到达其中包含 'Abstract' 的行时,我们从该行继续迭代,直到我们使用了迭代器。


gen = (n for n in xrange(8))

for x in gen:
    if x == 3:
        print('Starting second loop')
        for x in gen:
            print('In second loop', x)
        print('In first loop', x)


In first loop 0
In first loop 1
In first loop 2
Starting second loop
In second loop 4
In second loop 5
In second loop 6
In second loop 7

您还可以使用 itertools.dropwhile 将行消耗到您想要的点:

from itertools import dropwhile

for files in filepath:
    with open(files, 'r') as f:
        dropped = dropwhile(lambda _line: 'Abstract' not in _line, f)
        next(dropped, '')
        for line in dropped:


from itertools import dropwhile, islice

for fname in filepaths:
    with open(fname) as fin:
        start_at = dropwhile(lambda L: 'Abstract' not in L.split(), fin)
        for line in islice(start_at, 1, None): # ignore the line still with Abstract in
            print line


lines = dict()
for filename in filepath:
   with open(filename, 'r') as f:
       for line in f:
           if 'Abstract' in line:
       lines[filename] = tuple(f)


这是有效的,因为循环读取并包括您标识的行,使文件中的其余行准备好从 f 中读取。


with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
    while not 'Abstract' in next(f):
    for line in f:
        #line will be now the next line after the one that contains 'Abstract'