尝试使用 sub类 将 xml 数组反序列化为 C# 类

Trying to deserialize xml array into C# classes with subclasses

我有一个简单的例子,是我从我的真实代码中提炼出来的。问题是我可以在下面创建一个 C# class,只要我能够在 class 层次结构中显式分配类型。但是,我的面板数组不会创建子classed TwoColumnPanel。相反,我在面板列表中只得到一个面板。

    public void XmlRepoCreatesTestRepo()
        object obj;
        using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(TestXml)))
            switch (reader.Name)
                case "TestRepo":
                    obj = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestRepo)).Deserialize(reader);
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Unexpected: " + reader.Name);

    public string TestXml = @"<TestRepo>
                                <Name>Wandercoder Was Here</Name>

public class TestRepo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Page Page { get; set; }
public class Page
    //This works.
    public Panel Panel { get; set; }
    //This works, too.
    public TwoColumnPanel TwoColumnPanel { get; set; }
    //For this one, however, I only get the one Panel when I deserialize.
    //Why doesn't it properly deserialize the TwoColumnPanel specified in the xml above.
    public List<Panel> Panels { get; set; }
public class Panel
    public int ColumnAttribute { get; set; }
public class TwoColumnPanel : Panel
    public TwoColumnPanel()
        ColumnAttribute = 2;

尝试使用 XmlArrayItem 属性:

[XmlArrayItem("Panel", typeof(Panel))]
[XmlArrayItem("TwoColumnPanel", typeof(TwoColumnPanel))]
public List<Panel> Panels { get; set; }
public class Page
    //This works.
    public Panel Panel { get; set; }
    //This works, too.
    public TwoColumnPanel TwoColumnPanel { get; set; }
    //For this one, however, I only get the one Panel when I deserialize.
    //Why doesn't it properly deserialize the TwoColumnPanel specified in the xml above.
    [XmlArrayItem("TwoColumnPanel", typeof(TwoColumnPanel))]
    [XmlArrayItem("Panel", typeof(Panel))]
    public List<Panel> Panels { get; set; }