Github- 风味降价未按预期应用

Github-flavored markdown not being applied as expected

我正在使用降价文件编写一些文档。 (*.md) 我正在使用 Eclipse 的 Markdown 编辑器版本 插件。保存后,我还使用 GFM 查看器功能版本 1.9.3 插件在 Eclipse 中查看 md 文件。他们那里看起来不错。

我发现 'fenced code blocks' 中的换行符在 Web 浏览器中查看时未按预期格式设置。

例如,这里是一个 md 文件的片段

apply plugin: 'vt.platformwar.rpm'  
defaultTasks 'rpm'  

然而,在部署到看起来与 GitHub 完全相同但并非 GitHub.

的企业 Atlassian 系统上之后,Firefox 中的格式化结果如下所示

我尝试在 IE 中查看同一页面,但出现 500 错误。



Yet, here is how this winds up being formatted in Firefox, after being deployed on a corporate Atlassian system that looks exactly like GitHub, but is not GitHub.

Atlassian 肯定不是 GitHub(实际上是竞争对手),许多 GitHub 功能是 GitHub 特有的。事实上,通过将代码块缩进至少 4 个空格或一个制表符,围栏代码块 不是 standard Markdown feature. While they existed before GitHub adopted them (although in a slightly different form) GitHub popularized the feature and many other Markdown implementations have since adopted it. However, for many implementations the feature is off by default. If you would like to use the feature you need to determine which Markdown implementation you are using and whether is has support for fenced-code-blocks. If so, you will need to turn the feature on. If not, you will need to switch to using standard Markdown code blocks

Some standard Markdown text followed by a code block:

    apply plugin: 'vt.platformwar.rpm'
    defaultTasks 'rpm'