使用非周期性 cron 表达式运行作业 groovy
Running jobs with a non periodic cron expression groovy
time.'Tue Dec 30 14:48:00 EST 2014' = ['T1']
time.'Wed Dec 30 14:44:00 EST 2014' = ['T2']
templates.'T1' = ['P1','P2','P3']
templates.'T2' = ['Table']
parameterValues.'T1' = ['2014071600','2014072000','segment_id_file']
parameterValues.'T2' = ['Elyon']
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication;
class MultipleJob
GrailsApplication grailsApplication;
static triggers = {
cron name: 'MultipleJobs', cronExpression: "* * * * * ?"
def execute()
HashMap<String, String> parameter = new HashMap();
{ k, v ->
String templateId=v[0]
parameterKey = grailsApplication.config.Query.Map.templates.getAt("${v[0]}")
parameterValue = grailsApplication.config.Query.parameterValuesMap.parameterValues.getAt("${v[0]}")
for(int j=0;j<parameterKey.size();j++)
log.info(mediaQueryClient.executeQuery("0", templateId,"arbit", parameter))
I want to execute the same execute() method at different times for T1
and T2 at Tue Dec 30 14:48:00 EST 2014 and Wed Dec 30 14:44:00 EST
2014 respectively(I have a total of 25 such templates and all have a different time of execution
which cannot be expressed by a single cron expression)can someone
provide me with some sample code as to how can i keep executing them
all at different time , i don'nt know what cron expression should i
keep as the jobs may not be periodically apart hence i cannot have a
general cron expression like every 15 minutes ? also can we create
multiple cron expressions in a single quartz job ? please provide some sample code
你似乎采纳了我在 my answer to your previous question 中的一两个建议;请随意接受它作为正确答案 :) 你真的需要停止滥用 GString 表达式 - 你只是让自己变得更难。
我会稍微修改 Config.groovy 内容:
Query {
Map {
time = [
'Tue Dec 30 14:48:00 EST 2014': 'T1',
'Wed Dec 30 14:44:00 EST 2014': 'T2'
templates = [
T1: ['P1','P2','P3'],
T2: ['Table']
parameterValues = [
T1: ['2014071600','2014072000','segment_id_file'],
T2: ['Elyon']
并将 Quartz 代码更改为:
class MultipleJob {
def grailsApplication
static triggers = {
cron name: 'MultipleJobs', cronExpression: "* * * * * ?"
void execute() {
def parameter = [:]
def queryMap = grailsApplication.config.Query.Map
def queryValues = grailsApplication.config.Query.parameterValues
queryMap.time.each { String time, String templateId ->
if (currentTime != time) {
List parameterKeys = queryMap.templates[templateId]
List parameterValues = queryValues[templateId]
parameterKeys.size().times { int j ->
parameter[parameterKeys[j]] = parameterValues[j]
log.info(mediaQueryClient.executeQuery("0", templateId, "arbit", parameter))
time.'Tue Dec 30 14:48:00 EST 2014' = ['T1']
time.'Wed Dec 30 14:44:00 EST 2014' = ['T2']
templates.'T1' = ['P1','P2','P3']
templates.'T2' = ['Table']
parameterValues.'T1' = ['2014071600','2014072000','segment_id_file']
parameterValues.'T2' = ['Elyon']
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication;
class MultipleJob
GrailsApplication grailsApplication;
static triggers = {
cron name: 'MultipleJobs', cronExpression: "* * * * * ?"
def execute()
HashMap<String, String> parameter = new HashMap();
{ k, v ->
String templateId=v[0]
parameterKey = grailsApplication.config.Query.Map.templates.getAt("${v[0]}")
parameterValue = grailsApplication.config.Query.parameterValuesMap.parameterValues.getAt("${v[0]}")
for(int j=0;j<parameterKey.size();j++)
log.info(mediaQueryClient.executeQuery("0", templateId,"arbit", parameter))
I want to execute the same execute() method at different times for T1 and T2 at Tue Dec 30 14:48:00 EST 2014 and Wed Dec 30 14:44:00 EST 2014 respectively(I have a total of 25 such templates and all have a different time of execution which cannot be expressed by a single cron expression)can someone provide me with some sample code as to how can i keep executing them all at different time , i don'nt know what cron expression should i keep as the jobs may not be periodically apart hence i cannot have a general cron expression like every 15 minutes ? also can we create multiple cron expressions in a single quartz job ? please provide some sample code
你似乎采纳了我在 my answer to your previous question 中的一两个建议;请随意接受它作为正确答案 :) 你真的需要停止滥用 GString 表达式 - 你只是让自己变得更难。
我会稍微修改 Config.groovy 内容:
Query {
Map {
time = [
'Tue Dec 30 14:48:00 EST 2014': 'T1',
'Wed Dec 30 14:44:00 EST 2014': 'T2'
templates = [
T1: ['P1','P2','P3'],
T2: ['Table']
parameterValues = [
T1: ['2014071600','2014072000','segment_id_file'],
T2: ['Elyon']
并将 Quartz 代码更改为:
class MultipleJob {
def grailsApplication
static triggers = {
cron name: 'MultipleJobs', cronExpression: "* * * * * ?"
void execute() {
def parameter = [:]
def queryMap = grailsApplication.config.Query.Map
def queryValues = grailsApplication.config.Query.parameterValues
queryMap.time.each { String time, String templateId ->
if (currentTime != time) {
List parameterKeys = queryMap.templates[templateId]
List parameterValues = queryValues[templateId]
parameterKeys.size().times { int j ->
parameter[parameterKeys[j]] = parameterValues[j]
log.info(mediaQueryClient.executeQuery("0", templateId, "arbit", parameter))