如何更好地使用 STL 和仿函数来获得滑动 window 最小值的解决方案

How to better use STLs and functors for getting solution for sliding window minimum

Learning stls and c++11

正在研究一些示例,这里是一个目标是在给定序列的每个滑动 window 中获得最小值。

下面给出的是我以非常幼稚的方式完成的解决方案,但它肯定可以通过使用 stls、算法或任何其他 c++11 功能来改进。


1. identify if `std::copy_if` or `back_inserter` could be used to construct result
2. if `std::transform` is the way to get the job done instead of `while's`
3. or any c++11 features would allow me to simplify more and exception safe program

我知道小时候要求 C++ 有点像,但这就是我现在的样子:-)

My Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>

*  get minimum for each sliding window of size w
*  a = {1, 3, -1, -3, 5, 3, 6, 7};
*  w = 3
*  r = {-1, -3, -3, -3, 3, 3}

void GetMinLookUpForWindow(const std::vector<int> &src, std::vector<int> &res, const size_t w) {

    std::deque<size_t> priority;
    for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i) {

        // initialization phase and push min for first window w
        if (!priority.empty() &&
            src[i] < src[priority.back()]) {

    //iterate through rest of values and maintain min @front in deque
    for (int i = w; i < src.size(); ++i) {

        // required min element is at front ...

        // pop all max from back
        while (!priority.empty() &&
            src[i] < src[priority.back()]) {

        // pop all front till index out of current window
        while (!priority.empty() && priority.front() <= i - w) {

        //  offer the current index

    // get the final element for last window

int main()
    std::vector<int> vec({ 1, 3, -1, -3, 5, 3, 6, 7 });
    size_t w = 3;

    std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::vector<int> res;

    GetMinLookUpForWindow(vec, res, w);

    std::copy(res.begin(), res.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;


Solution by combining both answers


void GetMinLookUpForWindowModified( std::pair<std::vector<int>::const_iterator, std::vector<int>::const_iterator> range,
                                    std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<int>> op,
                                    size_t w) {

    for (auto it = range.first; it < range.second - w + 1; ++it, ++op) {
        auto it_min = std::min_element(it, it + w);
        op = *it_min;


GetMinLookUpForWindowModified(make_pair(vec.begin(), vec.end()), std::back_inserter(res), w);

就像您在序言中提到的那样,我会向 GetMinLookUpForWindow 传递一对范围迭代器和一个输出迭代器。



您最初准备队列的第一部分不必要地复杂。您应该能够向它发射所有 w 物品,或者完全错过该步骤。

另外 priority_queue 应该将您的队列维护到一个比较器,它会为您排序,这似乎是您最终会得到的。


void GetMinLookUpForWindow(const std::vector<int> &src, std::vector<int> &res, const size_t w) {
    for (auto it = src.begin(); it < src.end() - w +1; ++it) {
        res.push_back(*std::min_element(it, it +w));            

对于更长的 windows,您可以通过记住最后的最小位置来稍微调整一下(如果这真的更快,您将不得不测量):

template<class IT>
IT minIterator(IT l, IT r) {
    return *l < *r ? l : r;

void GetMinLookUpForWindow(const std::vector<int> &src, std::vector<int> &res, const size_t w) {
    auto it_min = std::min_element(src.begin(), src.begin() + w);   
    for (auto it = src.begin(), end = src.end() - (w - 1); it < end; ++it) 
        if (it_min >= it) {
            //if last minimum element is still in the window, we only have to check it against the new addition
            it_min = minIterator(it_min, it + (w - 1));
        } else {
            it_min = std::min_element(it, it + w );


template<class C>
std::vector<typename C::value_type> GetMinLookUpForWindow(C src, const size_t w) 

或(更像 STL)

template<class IT_IN, class IT_OUT >
void GetMinLookUpForWindow(IT_IN start, IT_IN end, IT_OUT res, const size_t w)

您提到的大多数算法(例如 std::copy_ifstd::transform)的问题是,它们以每个元素为基础工作,并且无法让您轻松访问周围的元素。因此,完全避免循环可能会导致代码的可读性降低和更容易出错。