将 scollector 与 bosun 一起使用,而不是 OpenTSDB

Using scollector with bosun and not OpenTSDB

我正在尝试 运行 我的 windows 服务器上的 scollector 并将收集的数据发送到 bosun 服务器。我没有 运行 任何 OpenTSDB 服务器,但我在 scollectors documentation 中读到它可以将元数据发送到 OpenTSDB bosun。

Unlike tcollector, scollector is a single binary where all collectors are compiled into scollector itself. scollector supports external collectors, but your goal should be to use those temporarily until the go version is written or the target system send data directly to OpenTSDB or Bosun. scollector has native collectors for Linux, Darwin, and Windows and can pull data from other systems such as AWS, SNMP, and vSphere.


"scollector-windows-amd64.exe" -h external-server-name:8070


2016/03/08 10:06:46 info: main.go:187: OpenTSDB host: external-server-name:8070
2016/03/08 10:06:47 error: queue.go:87: 404 Not Found
2016/03/08 10:06:47 error: queue.go:93: 404 page not found
2016/03/08 10:06:47 info: queue.go:103: restored 4, sleeping 5s

当我导航到 external-server-name:8070 时,我可以看到 bosun 仪表板页面。我如何告诉 scollector 它应该将数据发送到 bosun 服务器并跳过将其发送到 OpenTSDB。我可以指定 -h 选项指的是 bosun 服务器吗?

您仍然需要水手长的后端。当前 config supports tsdbHost, graphiteHost, or influxHost. When you send data to http://external-server-name:8070/api/put it just forwards it to http://tsdbHost/api/put.

我认为 Graphite 不支持 opentsdb put 格式,因此您可能无法使用 scollector 将指标发送到 Graphite。 Influx supports the opentsdb protocol so you can try pointing scollector at an instance of tsdbrelay 将指标转发到 influxdb opentsdb 端口并将副本发送到 bosun 以进行索引:

#Listen on 5252 for metrics, forward to local influxdb on 4242
#and send to local Bosun on 8070 so it can index the tags/metrics
/opt/tsdbrelay/tsdbrelay -b localhost:8070 -t localhost:4242 -l