PowerPoint VBA、"For each" 故障排除帮助(复制粘贴)
PowerPoint VBA, "For each" troubleshooting help (with copy pasting)
我有 20 张幻灯片,其中 19 张在坐标 .Left = AA 和 .Top = BB 处有一个形状(实际上是一组形状,文本框,imgs 等)。
Dim Sld As Slide
Dim Shp As Shape
For Each Shp In Sld.Shapes
With Shp
If .Type = msoGroup _
And .Left = AA _
And .Top = BB _
With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex + 1)
.Left = CC
.Top = DD
End With
End If
End With
Next Sld
它会将它们全部粘贴到我 运行 宏时所在位置的下一张幻灯片中。
例如,如果我在幻灯片 4 上并且我 运行 宏,则 .Left = AA 和 .Top = BB 中的所有形状将粘贴到幻灯片 5 中的 .Left = CC 和 .顶 = DD
我想要的是如果形状是在幻灯片 1 中剪切的,我希望将其粘贴到幻灯片 2 中的 .left = CC 和 .Top = DD。如果形状在幻灯片 2 中,我希望将其粘贴到幻灯片 3 中的 .left = CC 和 .Top = DD。等等。
Option Explicit
Const AA = 0
Const BB = 0
Const CC = 100
Const DD = 100
Sub MoveShapesBetweenSlides()
Dim Sld As Slide
Dim Shp As Shape
For Each Sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each Shp In Sld.Shapes
With Shp
If .Type = msoGroup And .Left = AA And .Top = BB Then
' Create an index to the next slide
Dim lNextSld As Long
If Sld.SlideIndex = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count Then
lNextSld = 1
lNextSld = Sld.SlideIndex + 1
End If
' Paste the shape from the previous slide to the next slide and reposition it
With ActivePresentation.Slides(lNextSld)
With .Shapes.Paste
.Left = CC
.Top = DD
End With
End With
End If
End With
Next Shp
Next Sld
End Sub
以下剪切和粘贴形状并重新定位它们 - 从倒数第二张幻灯片开始,以免剪切刚刚粘贴的形状:
Sub MyTestSub()
Const OLD_DISTANCE_A As Long = 10
Const OLD_DISTANCE_B As Long = 10
Const NEW_DISTANCE_C As Long = 100
Const NEW_DISTANCE_D As Long = 100
Dim oSld As Slide
Dim oShp As Shape
Dim oShpRng As ShapeRange
Dim lCurrentSlideIndex As Long
'***** go through all slides except the last one - start from the next to last
For lCurrentSlideIndex = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
Set oSld = ActivePresentation.Slides(lCurrentSlideIndex)
For Each oShp In oSld.Shapes
'***** is it in the position we are interested in?
If oShp.Left = OLD_DISTANCE_A And oShp.Top = OLD_DISTANCE_B Then
'***** paste on slide + 1 (without checking that it exists!)
Set oShpRng = ActivePresentation.Slides(oSld.SlideIndex + 1).Shapes.Paste
'***** set new position
End If
Next oShp
Next lCurrentSlideIndex
End Sub
我有 20 张幻灯片,其中 19 张在坐标 .Left = AA 和 .Top = BB 处有一个形状(实际上是一组形状,文本框,imgs 等)。
Dim Sld As Slide
Dim Shp As Shape
For Each Shp In Sld.Shapes
With Shp
If .Type = msoGroup _
And .Left = AA _
And .Top = BB _
With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex + 1)
.Left = CC
.Top = DD
End With
End If
End With
Next Sld
它会将它们全部粘贴到我 运行 宏时所在位置的下一张幻灯片中。
例如,如果我在幻灯片 4 上并且我 运行 宏,则 .Left = AA 和 .Top = BB 中的所有形状将粘贴到幻灯片 5 中的 .Left = CC 和 .顶 = DD
我想要的是如果形状是在幻灯片 1 中剪切的,我希望将其粘贴到幻灯片 2 中的 .left = CC 和 .Top = DD。如果形状在幻灯片 2 中,我希望将其粘贴到幻灯片 3 中的 .left = CC 和 .Top = DD。等等。
Option Explicit
Const AA = 0
Const BB = 0
Const CC = 100
Const DD = 100
Sub MoveShapesBetweenSlides()
Dim Sld As Slide
Dim Shp As Shape
For Each Sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each Shp In Sld.Shapes
With Shp
If .Type = msoGroup And .Left = AA And .Top = BB Then
' Create an index to the next slide
Dim lNextSld As Long
If Sld.SlideIndex = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count Then
lNextSld = 1
lNextSld = Sld.SlideIndex + 1
End If
' Paste the shape from the previous slide to the next slide and reposition it
With ActivePresentation.Slides(lNextSld)
With .Shapes.Paste
.Left = CC
.Top = DD
End With
End With
End If
End With
Next Shp
Next Sld
End Sub
以下剪切和粘贴形状并重新定位它们 - 从倒数第二张幻灯片开始,以免剪切刚刚粘贴的形状:
Sub MyTestSub()
Const OLD_DISTANCE_A As Long = 10
Const OLD_DISTANCE_B As Long = 10
Const NEW_DISTANCE_C As Long = 100
Const NEW_DISTANCE_D As Long = 100
Dim oSld As Slide
Dim oShp As Shape
Dim oShpRng As ShapeRange
Dim lCurrentSlideIndex As Long
'***** go through all slides except the last one - start from the next to last
For lCurrentSlideIndex = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
Set oSld = ActivePresentation.Slides(lCurrentSlideIndex)
For Each oShp In oSld.Shapes
'***** is it in the position we are interested in?
If oShp.Left = OLD_DISTANCE_A And oShp.Top = OLD_DISTANCE_B Then
'***** paste on slide + 1 (without checking that it exists!)
Set oShpRng = ActivePresentation.Slides(oSld.SlideIndex + 1).Shapes.Paste
'***** set new position
End If
Next oShp
Next lCurrentSlideIndex
End Sub