我可以用我的程序重新分发 libmat.dll 吗?

Can I redistribute libmat.dll with my Program?

我有一个使用 Matlab API 读写 mat 文件的程序。 因此我唯一的依赖是 libmat.dll

我可以只运送 libmat.dll(而不是要求 ~600mb MCR)还是许可证禁止的?


这是来自 Matlab license.txt(位于 Matlab 安装文件夹中)的条款,您可以根据这些条款部署和共享您的 libmat.dll 链接应用程序。

摘自 "Deployment Addendum" 许可证部分:


    6.1. Programs may include selected Source Code and shared Object Code library files that implement various documented application programming interface capabilities of the Programs for which the Source Code or shared library file is part.

    6.1.1. Licensed User may use and modify the selected Source Code files solely for creation of Licensee's own Applications. Licensee may copy and distribute Object Code compiled from this Source Code, but only as either standalone Object Code file (regardless whether a Derivative Form) or Object Code Linked to the Application, and only for use with and deployment of Licensee's own Application.

    6.1.2. Licensee may use, copy and distribute shared Object Code library files (regardless whether a Derivative Form) for deployment of Licensee's own Application, but only if a header file exists in the Program for the shared library file. Licensee may not copy or distribute header files themselves.

    6.1.3. Licensee may not transfer Source Code, development rights, or development capabilities for any Source Code or Object Code to any Third Party.

    6.2. MAT-files. Licensed User may create and distribute Applications that read MAT-files using the MAT-file API, however, if such Applications are distributed to Third Parties, they must also implement MAT-file write capability.

请注意 libmat.dll 有其自己的更多 MATLAB 库依赖项 - 因此您还需要运送其他 Matlab DLL 才能使用 libmat.dll.