Spring 批处理:JobScope 在 Spring 3.0.0 中不可用

Spring batch : JobScope not available in Spring 3.0.0

根据 Spring 批次 documentationJobScope 作为 Spring 批次 3.0 的一部分引入。但是,看起来 JobScope 注释在 Spring batch 3.0 jar 中不可用。我在 pom.xml 中指定了 spring-batch-core 依赖项,如下所示:



    <!-- Spring Batch dependencies -->

当我将 spring-batch-version 更改为 3.0.6 时,会按预期找到 JobScope 注释。据我了解,JobScope 是作为 spring batch 3.0 的一部分引入的,因此应该在从 3.0.0 开始的任何 spring batch jar 中可用。

JobScope 注释在版本 3.0.0 中不可用是否有任何特定原因,或者我是否需要手动添加包含此注释的其他 jar?我相信 spring-batch-core 依赖项应该提取所有额外的 spring 批处理依赖项,我不需要明确指定它们。

我正在使用基于注释的配置来编写批处理作业。我需要 JobScope 注释来将作业参数后期绑定到我的 bean。有没有办法不使用 JobScope 来做到这一点?



public class FileLoaderConfigurationNoAbstractLoader {

    private ResourcePatternResolver resourcePatternResolver;

    public Job job(JobBuilderFactory jobs, Step s1) {
        return jobs.get("FileLoader").incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer()).start(s1).build();

    public FlatFileItemReader reader(@Value("#{stepExecutionContext['fileName']}") String filePath,
            @Value("#{jobParameters['fieldSetMapperClass']}") String fieldSetMapperClass,
            @Value("#{jobParameters['processType']}") String processType, @Value("#{jobParameters['dataType']}") String dataType,
            FileLoaderCreator loader) {
        String path = filePath.substring(filePath.indexOf(":") + 1, filePath.length());
        return loader.getReader(path, fieldSetMapperClass, processType, dataType);

    @Scope(value = "job", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
    public ItemWriter writer(@Value("#{jobParameters['dataType']}") String dataType) {
        return new CollectionItemWriter(dataType);

    @Scope(value = "job", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
    public ItemProcessor processor(FileLoaderCreator loader, @Value("#{jobParameters['itemProcessorClass']}") String itemProcessorClass) {
        return loader.getItemProcessor(itemProcessorClass);

    @Scope(value = "job", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
    public Step readStep(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory, ItemReader reader, ItemWriter writer, ItemProcessor processor,
            TaskExecutor taskExecutor, FileLoaderCreator fileLoader, @Value("#{jobParameters['dataType']}") String dataType,
            @Value("#{jobParameters['processType']}") String processType) {

        final Step readerStep = stepBuilderFactory.get(dataType + " ReadStep:slave")
                .chunk(fileLoader.getCommitInterval(processType, dataType)).reader(reader).processor(processor).writer(writer)
                .taskExecutor(taskExecutor).throttleLimit(fileLoader.getThrottleLimit(processType, dataType)).build();

        final Step partitionedStep = stepBuilderFactory.get(dataType + " ReadStep:master").partitioner(readerStep)
                .partitioner(dataType + " ReadStep:slave", partitioner(fileLoader, null, null)).taskExecutor(taskExecutor).build();

        return partitionedStep;


    @Scope(value = "job", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
    public Partitioner partitioner(FileLoaderCreator fileLoader, @Value("#{jobParameters['processType']}") String processType,
            @Value("#{jobParameters['dataType']}") String dataType) {
        MultiResourcePartitioner partitioner = new MultiResourcePartitioner();
        Resource[] resources;
        try {
            resources = resourcePatternResolver.getResources("file:" + fileLoader.getPath(processType, dataType)
                    + fileLoader.getFilePattern(processType, dataType));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("I/O problems when resolving the input file pattern.", e);
        return partitioner;

     * Use this if you want the writer to have job scope (JIRA BATCH-2269).
     * Might also change the return type of writer to ListItemWriter for this to
     * work.
    public TaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
        return new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor() {
            protected void doExecute(final Runnable task) {
                // gets the jobExecution of the configuration thread
                final JobExecution jobExecution = JobSynchronizationManager.getContext().getJobExecution();
                super.doExecute(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

                        try {
                        } finally {

    public FileLoaderCreator loader() {
        System.out.println("Creating loader only once ");
        return new FileLoaderCreator();

    public JobResults jobResults() {
        return new JobResults();

根据 M.Deinum's 建议,我使用 @Scope(value = "job", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) 而不是 JobScope 注释,但 运行 进入以下异常:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Scope registered for scope name 'job'' exception

我尝试通过将以下 bean 添加到上述配置来修复此问题:

    public JobScope jobScope() {
        JobScope scope = new JobScope();
        return scope;

这使我在 java 配置中的以下行出现异常:

resources = resourcePatternResolver.getResources("file:" + fileLoader.getPath(processType, dataType)
                + fileLoader.getFilePattern(processType, dataType));

请注意,这与 JobScope 和 spring 批处理 3.0.1 完美配合。

I am using annotation based configuration to write batch jobs. I need the JobScope annotation for late-binding of job parameters to my beans. Is there a way to do this without using JobScope?

它应该在没有 Jobscope 的情况下工作,通过使用 Stepscope 您可以访问作业参数,请参阅 https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/reference/html/configureStep.html#step-scope

如果您需要所有 bean 的可用信息,您可以实现一个简单的 spring bean(并发哈希图类型)来保存信息

如果您需要为每个批次 运行 保留信息,您可以实现一个 JobExecutionListener,其中 puts/pulls* JobExecutionContext 中的信息并填充(上述)简单 bean

*) 如果需要重启