Ant-contrib 应该会失败但不会

Ant-contrib should fail but doesn't


<target name="deploy_all">
    <for list="${systems}" param="system" delimiter="," parallel="false" threadCount="1" trim="true">
            <antcall target="deploy_one_system">
                <param name="system" value="@{system}" />

<target name="deploy_one_system">
    <trycatch property="error_system">
            <!-- deployment -->
            <!-- Deep in other targets, there's <fail> -->
            <echo>Error during deployment of ${system}:</echo>
            <!-- print logs, errors, cleanup -->
                <contains string="${stop_execution_on_fail}" substring="${system}" />
                    <echo message="I should fail here!" />
                    <fail message="Error occured during deploying ${system}."/>

问题是条件被正确评估并且消息 "I should fail here!" 被打印,但是构建没有失败并继续部署下一个系统。

变量 ${stop_execution_on_fail} 被提供给脚本并包含应该使整个构建失败的系统列表(而不是部署其余系统)。

有时,在部署多个系统后构建失败 运行 内存不足。

17:07:03 deploy.xml:900: 
17:07:03 The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:908: The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:802: Error occured during deploying system1.
17:07:03 The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:908: The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:802: Error occured during deploying system2.
17:07:03 The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:908: The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:802: Error occured during deploying system3.
17:07:03 The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:908: The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:4: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
17:07:03 The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:908: The following error occurred while executing this line:
17:07:03 deploy.xml:4: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

我是 运行 Jenkins 1.642.1、JDK 1.8.0_74 和 Ant 1.9.2.


编辑(基于 pczeus 的评论): 打印了以下内容(不要介意时间戳,我从另一个版本中获取的):

10:12:56      [echo] Error during deployment of system1:
10:12:56      [echo] The following error occurred while executing this line:
10:12:56      [echo] deploy.xml:739: The following error occurred while executing this line:
10:12:56      [echo] deploy.xml:647: The following error occurred while executing this line:
10:12:56      [echo] deploy.xml:473: The following error occurred while executing this line:
10:12:56      [echo] dbmaintain.xml:229: Unable to perform db maintain task.

--- omitted ---

10:12:56      [echo] I should fail here!

如您所见,条件评估成功,因为消息 I should fail here! 被打印出来。

stop_execution_on_fail 变量包含以逗号分隔的系统失败列表:



<contains string="${stop_execution_on_fail}" substring="${system}" />

您正在检查整个字符串 stop_execution_on_fail 中与系统匹配的子字符串。然而,你的尝试:

<trycatch property="error_system">

正在 error_system 属性 中设置错误消息,而您没有检查您的包含。

尝试将 <contains> 更改为:

<contains string="${error_system}" substring="${system}" />

我使用 Chad Nouis' 的建议追查了错误并发现了以下内容:

  • 首先,当我没有 post 实际代码而只是摘录和替换一些变量时,我很愚蠢。真丢脸!
  • deploy_all 目标中 <for> 调用中的 parallel 属性设置为 true。在那种情况下,即使将 threadCount 设置为 1,Ant 也会使目标失败,但不会阻止 for 循环从 运行 下一个循环(尽管我相信它应该)。

谢谢,Chad Nouis