Swift 为什么我的生成器协议扩展不起作用?

Swift why doesn't my generator protocol extension work?

我觉得我对Swifttypes/protocols/generics的认知已经溢出了。我一直在使用扩展 "an input stream bytes" 的模式,方法如下:

extension GeneratorType where Element == UInt8 {
    func foobar()  {


protocol Unpackable {
    static func unpack(inout input:IndexingGenerator<[UInt8]>) -> Self

extension UInt8:Unpackable {
    static func unpack(inout input:IndexingGenerator<[UInt8]>) -> UInt8 {
        return input.next()!

extension UInt16:Unpackable {
    static func unpack(inout input:IndexingGenerator<[UInt8]>) -> UInt16 {
        return UInt16(input.next()!) | (UInt16(input.next()!) << 8)


extension GeneratorType where Element == UInt8 {
    func unpackAll() -> (UInt8, UInt16) {
        return (UInt8.unpack(&self), UInt16.unpack(&self))


Cannot convert value of type 'Self' to expected argument type 'IndexingGenerator<[UInt8]>'

IndexingGenerator 不符合 GeneratorType 吗?它的Element不是UInt8吗?是使用IndexingGenerator 的错误吗?我无法将参数类型指定为 GeneratorType(尽管我真的很想能够)。

我还在等待 Swift 类型的灯泡闪烁。有时候我真的很喜欢这门语言。其他日子,我觉得我在对我的狗大喊大叫,试图让他来,他只是盯着我一动不动,然后转身在街上追。


extension GeneratorType where Element == UInt8 {
    func unpackAll() -> (UInt8, UInt16)? {
        guard let _self = self as? IndexingGenerator<[Element]> else { return nil }
        var vSelf = _self
        return (UInt8.unpack(&vSelf), UInt16.unpack(&vSelf))


protocol Unpackable {
    static func unpack<T : GeneratorType where T.Element == UInt8>(inout input:T) -> Self

extension UInt8: Unpackable {
    static func unpack<T : GeneratorType where T.Element == UInt8>(inout input: T) -> UInt8 {
        return input.next()!

extension UInt16: Unpackable {
    static func unpack<T : GeneratorType where T.Element == UInt8>(inout input: T) -> UInt16 {
        return UInt16(input.next()!) | (UInt16(input.next()!) << 8)

extension GeneratorType where Element == UInt8 {
    mutating func unpackAll() -> (UInt8, UInt16) {
        return (UInt8.unpack(&self), UInt16.unpack(&self))