AS3 - 带有文本字段的菜单

AS3 - Menu with textfields

我想不出一个更好的标题名称,如果不是那么明确,我很抱歉。我正在尝试制作一个菜单(用于我的服务器程序),每次客户端连接到它时都会添加一个带有 ip 的文本框,并在客户端断开连接时删除客户端的文本框。



最大的问题是我希望断开连接的 IP 下方的所有其他 IP 都向上移动。我如何在 AS3 中做到这一点?

删除 TextField 后,您可以像这样重新定位所有其他文本字段:

// the menu items container
var menu:MovieClip = new MovieClip()

for(var i=0; i<5; i++){
    var txt:TextField = new TextField();
        txt.x = 20;
        txt.y = 26*i + 20;
        txt.height = 24;
        txt.width = 120;
        txt.text = 'client : ' + i.toString();
        txt.border = true;
            function(e:MouseEvent):void {               
                var parent:DisplayObjectContainer =; // which is the "menu" movieclip here

function set_objects(container:DisplayObjectContainer){ 

    var j:int = 0;
    for(var i:int = 0; i < container.numChildren; i++){
        var child:DisplayObject = container.getChildAt(i);

        // if the child is a TextFiled, set its new position
        if(child is TextField){         
            child.y = 26*j + 20;

当然,这段代码只是为了展示如何做你想做的事情,你应该改进它并使其适应你的需要。您可以使用此代码 here.


如果您不想移动所有这些,只需保留您的 TextFields 的列表,然后当您断开连接时,找到索引,并将所有后续的移动上移。类似于:

private var m_textFields:Vector.<TextField> = new Vector.<TextField>(); // all our textfields
private var m_ipToTextField:Object          = new Object;               // an object to make it easier to find our textfield

public function addIP( ip:String ):void
    var tf:TextField    = this._createTextField( ip );          // create, style, and add your textfield
    tf.y                = tf.height * this.m_textFields.height; // assuming they're all the same height

    // add it to our storage objects
    this.m_textFields.push( tf );
    this.m_ipToTextField[ip] = tf;

public function removeIP( ip:String ):void
    // get our textfield and remove it
    var tf:TextField = this.m_ipToTextFields[ip];
    tf.parent.removeChild( tf );

    // get our index of the textfield in the vector
    var index:int = this.m_textFields.indexOf( tf );

    // move all subsequent textfields up by the height of the textfield that we removed
    var len:int     = this.m_textFields.length;
    var h:Number    = tf.height;
    for( var i:int = index + 1; i < len; i++ )
        this.m_textFields[i].y -= h;

    // remove the textfield from our storage objects
    this.m_textFields.splice( index, 1 );
    this.m_ipToTextField[ip] = null;
    delete this.m_ipToTextField[ip];