JavascriptCore:从本机代码执行 javascript 定义的回调函数

JavascriptCore: executing a javascript-defined callback function from native code

我在尝试从本机代码执行 javascript 函数时遇到了一些困难。我希望编剧能够在 Javascript 中定义“食谱”。它是通过调用我从本机代码公开的配方创建函数创建的。配方函数接受一个配置字典,它需要一个配方名称和一个动作。该动作应该是无参数、无-return-值函数。

回到本机代码,当我处理配置字典时,我似乎无法获得对定义的操作函数的引用。我实际上得到的是一个没有键的 NSDictionary。



// topLevel is a valid object I expose. It has a module 
// function that returns a new module 
var module = topLevel.module("Demo - Recipe");

// module has a recipe method that takes a config dict
// and returns a new recipe
 name: "Recipe 1",
 action: function() {
   topLevel.debug("Hello from Recipe 1!");


@objc public protocol ModuleScriptPluginExports: JSExport {
    func recipe(unsafeParameters: AnyObject) -> ModuleScriptPlugin


public func recipe(unsafeParameters: AnyObject) -> ModuleScriptPlugin {
   guard let parameters : [String:AnyObject] = unsafeParameters as? [String: AnyObject] else {
       // error, parameters was not the config dict we expected...
       return self;

   guard let name = parameters["name"] as? String else {
       // error, there was no name string in the config dict
       return self;

   guard let action = parameters["action"] as? () -> Void else {
       // error, action in the config dict was not a () -> Void callback like I expected
       // what was it...?
       if let unknownAction = parameters["action"] {
           // weird, its actually a NSDictionary with no keys!
           print("recipe action type unknown. action:\(unknownAction) --> \(unknownAction.dynamicType) ");


问题出在 Swift 代码中,其中 JSValue 被强制转换为字典:

parameters : [String:AnyObject] = unsafeParameters as? [String: AnyObject]

其中使用了 toDictionary(),这样做似乎丢掉了函数 属性。

相反,JSValue 应该保持完整,然后使用 valueForProperty 获取本身就是 JSValue 的函数。

let actionValue = parameters.valueForProperty("action");