将 STYLE 插入 TWebBrowser

Insert STYLEs into TWebBrowser

我正在使用 TWebBrowser 作为用户的编辑器 GUI。我希望能够将 Web 控件插入到文档中。一个简单的例子是复选框。 (如果需要,我可以详细说明原因)。当我首先 assemble HTML 文档(及其 STYLE 和 SCRIPTS 部分)然后将其整块传递给 TWebBrowser 时,我已经完成了所有这些工作。但现在我希望能够将我的元素插入到现有文档中。

我有下面这段代码,但它会导致 OLE 错误(请参阅代码注释):

procedure THTMLTemplateDocument.EnsureStylesInWebDOM;
var StyleBlock : IHTMLElement;
    StyleText: string;
  StyleBlock := FWebBrowser.GetDocStyle;
  if not assigned(StyleBlock) then
    raise Exception.Create('Unable to access <STYLE> block in web document');
  StyleText := FCumulativeStyleCodes.Text;
  StyleBlock.InnerText := StyleText; <--- generates "OLE ERROR 800A0258"


function THtmlObj.GetDocStyle: IHTMLElement;
//Return pointer to <STYLE> block, creating this if it was not already present.
  Document:    IHTMLDocument2;         // IHTMLDocument2 interface of Doc
  Elements:    IHTMLElementCollection; // all tags in document body
  AElement:    IHTMLElement;           // a tag in document body
  Style, Head: IHTMLElement;
  I:           Integer;                // loops thru Elements in document body
  Result := nil;
  if not Supports(Doc, IHTMLDocument2, Document) then
    raise Exception.Create('Invalid HTML document');
  Elements := Document.all;
  for I := 0 to Pred(Elements.length) do begin
    AElement := Elements.item(I, EmptyParam) as IHTMLElement;
    if UpperCase(AElement.tagName) <> 'STYLE' then continue;
    result := AElement;
  if not assigned(Result) then begin
    Head := GetDocHead;
    if assigned(Head) then begin
      Style := Document.CreateElement('STYLE');
      (Head as IHTMLDOMNode).AppendChild(Style as IHTMLDOMNode);
      Result := Style;

function THtmlObj.GetDocHead: IHTMLElement;
//Return pointer to <HEAD> block, creating this if it was not already present.
  Document:    IHTMLDocument2;         // IHTMLDocument2 interface of Doc
  Elements:    IHTMLElementCollection; // all tags in document body
  AElement:    IHTMLElement;           // a tag in document body
  Body:        IHTMLElement2;          // document body element
  Head:        IHTMLElement;
  I:           Integer;                // loops thru Elements in document body
  Result := nil;
  if not Supports(Doc, IHTMLDocument2, Document) then
    raise Exception.Create('Invalid HTML document');
  if not Supports(Document.body, IHTMLElement2, Body) then
    raise Exception.Create('Can''t find <body> element');
  Elements := Document.all;
  for I := 0 to Pred(Elements.length) do begin
    AElement := Elements.item(I, EmptyParam) as IHTMLElement;
    if UpperCase(AElement.tagName) <> 'HEAD' then continue;
    Result := AElement;
  if not assigned(Result) then begin
    Head := Document.CreateElement('HEAD');
    (Body as IHTMLDOMNode).insertBefore(Head as IHTMLDOMNode, Body as IHTMLDOMNode);
    //now look for it again
    Elements := Document.all;
    for I := 0 to Pred(Elements.length) do begin
      AElement := Elements.item(I, EmptyParam) as IHTMLElement;
      if UpperCase(AElement.tagName) <> 'HEAD' then continue;
      Result := AElement;


'.selected {'#$D#$A' font-weight : bold;'#$D#$A' //background-color : yellow;'#$D#$A'}'#$D#$ A'.unselected {'#$D#$A' font-weight : normal;'#$D#$A' //background-color : white;'#$D#$A'}'#$D#$A#$D#$ A

但我尝试将 StyleText 设计得像 'hello' 一样简单,但它仍然崩溃了。

Google 对 "OLE ERROR 800A0258" 的搜索显示其他几个人也遇到过类似的问题,例如 here and here -- this later user seems to indicate he fixed the problem by using .OuterHTML, but I tried this with similar error generated. This 线程似乎表明 .InnerText 是只读的。但是在接口声明中(见下文),好像有设置的方法(即非只读)。

// *********************************************************************//
// Interface: IHTMLElement
// Flags:     (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
// GUID:      {3050F1FF-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B}
// *********************************************************************//
  IHTMLElement = interface(IDispatch)
    procedure Set_innerHTML(const p: WideString); safecall;
    function Get_innerHTML: WideString; safecall;
    procedure Set_innerText(const p: WideString); safecall;
    function Get_innerText: WideString; safecall;
    procedure Set_outerHTML(const p: WideString); safecall;
    function Get_outerHTML: WideString; safecall;
    procedure Set_outerText(const p: WideString); safecall;
    function Get_outerText: WideString; safecall;
    property innerHTML: WideString read Get_innerHTML write Set_innerHTML;
    property innerText: WideString read Get_innerText write Set_innerText;
    property outerHTML: WideString read Get_outerHTML write Set_outerHTML;
    property outerText: WideString read Get_outerText write Set_outerText;

任何人都可以帮助弄清楚如何在 TWebBrowser 中现有 HTML 文档的 <STYLE> 部分设置 STYLES 吗?

如果您有有效的 IHTMLDocument2,那么您可以调用它 createStyleSheet()。它将 return IHTMLStyleSheet 实例。您可以使用它的 cssText 属性 来设置样式。


根据@Zamrony P. Juhara 的指导,我想出了以下代码。我发帖以防将来它能帮助其他人。

procedure THtmlObj.AddStylesToExistingStyleSheet(StyleSheet: IHTMLStyleSheet; SelectorSL, CSSLineSL : TStringList);
//NOTE: There must be a 1:1 correlation between SelectorSL and CSSLineSL
//  The first SL will contain the selector text
//  the second SL will contain all the CSS in one line (divided by ";"'s)
  SLIdx, RuleIdx, p: integer;
  SelectorText, CSSText, OneCSSEntry : string;
  if not assigned(StyleSheet) then begin
    raise Exception.Create('Invalid StyleSheet');
  for SLIdx := 0 to SelectorSL.Count - 1 do begin
    SelectorText := SelectorSL.Strings[SLIdx];
    if SlIdx > (CSSLineSL.Count - 1) then break;
    CSSText := CSSLineSL.Strings[SLIdx];
    while CSSText <> '' do begin
      p := Pos(';', CSSText);
      if p > 0 then begin
        OneCSSEntry := MidStr(CSSText, 1, p);
        CSSText := MidStr(CSSText, p+1, Length(CSSText));
      end else begin
        OneCSSEntry := CSSText;
        CSSText := '';
      RuleIdx := StyleSheet.Rules.length;
      StyleSheet.addRule(SelectorText, OneCSSEntry, RuleIdx);

function THtmlObj.AddStyles(SelectorSL, CSSLineSL : TStringList) :     IHTMLStyleSheet;
//NOTE: There must be a 1:1 correlation between SelectorSL and CSSLineSL
//  The first SL will contain the selector text
//  the second SL will contain all the CSS in one line (divided by ";"'s)
  Document:      IHTMLDocument2;              // IHTMLDocument2 interface of Doc
  StyleSheets:   IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection;  // document's style sheets
  StyleSheet:    IHTMLStyleSheet;             // reference to a style sheet
  OVStyleSheet:  OleVariant;                  // variant ref to style sheet
  Idx:           integer;
  Result := nil;
  if not Supports(Doc, IHTMLDocument2, Document) then begin
    raise Exception.Create('Invalid HTML document');
  StyleSheets := Document.styleSheets;
  Idx := Document.StyleSheets.length;
  OVStyleSheet := Document.createStyleSheet('',Idx);
  if not VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet) then begin
    raise Exception.Create('Unable to create valid style sheet');
  Result := StyleSheet;
  AddStylesToExistingStyleSheet(StyleSheet, SelectorSL, CSSLineSL);
end; //AddStyles