最大化包含 pbivnorm 的似然函数

Maximizing a likelihood function that contains pbivnorm

我有一个包含二元正态 CDF 的似然函数。我不断得到接近 1 的相关值,即使真实值为零。

R 包 sampleSelection 最大化包含二元正态 CDF 的似然函数(如 Van de Ven 和 Van Praag (1981))。我试着查看包的源代码,但找不到他们如何写可能性。作为参考,Van de Ven 和 Van Praag 的论文:

The Demand for Deductibles in Private Health Insurance: A Probit Model with Sample Selection.



  1. 谁能告诉我sampleSelection包中似然函数是怎么写的?或

  2. 有人能告诉我为什么我在下面的代码中得到的相关性值接近 1 吗?


#  Trying to code Van de Ven and Van Praag (1981)

# Sample size
full_sample <- 1000

# Parameters
rho      <- .1
beta0    <- 0
beta1    <- 1
gamma0   <- .2
gamma1   <- .5
gamma2   <- .5
varcovar <- matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2) 
# Vectors for storing values
   y <- rep(0,full_sample)
   s <- rep(0,full_sample)
outcome  <- rep(0,full_sample)
select   <- rep(0,full_sample)

# Simulate data
 x <- rnorm(full_sample)
 z <- rnorm(full_sample)

 errors <- mvrnorm(full_sample, rep(0,2), varcovar)
# note: 1st element for selection eq; 2nd outcome
 s <- gamma0 + gamma1*x + gamma2*z + errors[,1]
 y <- beta0 + beta1*x + errors[,2]

 for(i in 1:full_sample){
       select[i] <- 1
         outcome[i] <- 1
         outcome[i] <- 0
       outcome[i] <- NA
       select[i] <- 0

# Writing the log likelihood
# Note: vega1= beta0,
#       vega2= beta1,
#       vega3= gamma0,
#       vega4= gamma1,
#       vega5= gamma2,
#       vega6= rho
first.lf <- function(vega) {

# Transforming this parameter becuase
#   correlation is bounded between -1 aad 1
  corr <- tanh(vega[6])

# Set up vectors for writing log likelihood
   y0 <- 1-outcome
   for(i in 1:full_sample) {    
     if(is.na(y0[i])){ y0[i]<- 0}
     if(is.na(outcome[i])){ outcome[i]<- 0}
   yt0 <- t(y0)
   yt1 <- t(outcome)
   missing <- 1 - select
   ytmiss <- t(missing)

# Terms in the selection and outcome equations
   A <- vega[3]+vega[4]*x+vega[5]*z
   B <- vega[1]+vega[2]*x
   term1 <- pbivnorm(A,B,corr)
   term0 <- pbivnorm(A,-B,corr)
   term_miss <- pnorm(-A)
   log_term1 <- log(term1)
   log_term0 <- log(term0)
   log_term_miss <- log(term_miss)
# The log likelihood
    logl <- sum( yt1%*%log_term1 + yt0%*%log_term0 + ytmiss%*%log_term_miss)

startv <- c(beta0,beta1,gamma0,gamma1,gamma2,rho)
# Maxmimizing my likelihood gives
maxLik(logLik = first.lf, start = startv, method="BFGS")
# tanh(7.28604) = 0.9999991, far from the true value of .1

# Using sampleSelection package for comparison
selectEq <- select ~ x + z
outcomeEq <- outcomeF ~ x
selection( selectEq, outcomeEq)
# Notice the value of -0.2162 for rho compared to my 0.9999991

正好论文中方程(19)有错别字。从 i = N_1 + 1 到 N 的项应该有 -rho 而不是 rho。因此,使用

term0 <- pbivnorm(A,-B,-corr)


maxLik(logLik = first.lf, start = startv, method="BFGS")
# Maximum Likelihood estimation
# BFGS maximization, 40 iterations
# Return code 0: successful convergence 
# Log-Likelihood: -832.5119 (6 free parameter(s))
# Estimate(s): 0.3723783 0.9307454 0.1349979 0.4693686 0.4572421 -0.219618 
