Office365 API 使用客户端库创建 Rest Notification 订阅

Office365 API Rest Notification subscription creation using client side libraries

是否存在任何示例代码,其中包含使用客户端库创建包含推送订阅的 office365 休息通知服务的代码?

link 已提供信息,但使用的是休息电话。是否有任何使用客户端库的东西,例如使用通知 class 或推送订阅 class?


OutlookServicesClient 客户端 = new OutlookServicesClient(新 Uri("https--//"), 异步()=> { // 因为我们在本地从 Session 中获得它,所以这里只是 return。 return 令牌; });

            client.Context.SendingRequest2 += new EventHandler<Microsoft.OData.Client.SendingRequest2EventArgs>(
                (sender, e) => InsertXAnchorMailboxHeader(sender, e, email));

            PushSubscription subscribeme = new PushSubscription();
            subscribeme.NotificationURL = "";
            subscribeme.ChangeType = ChangeType.Deleted;
            subscribeme.ClientState = "AJFromPushSubcribtion_" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            subscribeme.Resource = "";
            subscribeme.SubscriptionExpirationDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

           await client.Me.Subscriptions.AddSubscriptionAsync(subscribeme);

Is there any sample code exists which has code written for creating office365 rest notification service contains push subscription, using client side libraries?

We can write like following code to create subscription, but this add method is void !!!, so you will not get response and you will not get subscription id as well.

我找不到有关创建 office365 休息通知服务的代码示例。我已经在我身边测试了你 post 的代码。在 AddSubscriptionAsync 方法 运行 成功后,您可以从作为参数传递的 PushSubscription 对象获取响应。所以我们可以直接通过subscribeme.Id获取订阅的ID。