创建返回 None 响应的设备池 - AWS CLI

Create Device Pool returning None repsonse - AWSCLI

我正在使用 AWS CLI 创建设备池,如下所示

aws devicefarm create-device-pool --project-arn arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:826601527641:project:90cbdcb5-4dab-438e-8ff6-e0680b376619 --name Devicepool_viago_android_0310201614131457612089 --description Devicepool_viago_android_0310201614131457612089 --rules '[{"attribute": "ARN", "operator": "EQUALS", "value":"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:C66D1BC946634884A129A4456EBA0239"}]'



A server error (InternalFailure) occurred when calling the CreateDevicePool operation: None


规则值 should be stringified. Unfortunately, this information isn't properly surfaced in the AWS Device Farm documentation. We are working on making this more visible in the documentation and the API response. Since you're using the AWS CLI, have a look at the Getting Started with the CLI for Device Farm 博客 post。

这应该有效: aws devicefarm create-device-pool --project-arn "PROJECT_ARN" --name POOL_NAME --rules '[{"attribute":"ARN", "operator":"IN", "value":"\"DEVICE_ARN\""}]'