xamarin iOS:使用叠加层映射快照图像

xamarin iOS: Map Snapshot image with overlays




    private void SetMapCenter()
        if (Map.Overlays.Count() > 0)

    public void SetMapSnapshpot(MKMapView map)
        using (var snapShotOptions = new MKMapSnapshotOptions())
            snapShotOptions.Region = map.Region;
            snapShotOptions.Scale = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;
            snapShotOptions.Size = map.Frame.Size;

            using (var snapShot = new MKMapSnapshotter(snapShotOptions))
                snapShot.Start((snapshot, error) =>
                    if (error == null)
                            (uiimage, imgError) =>
                            if (imgError == null)
                                new UIAlertView("Image Saved", "Map View Image Saved!", null, "OK", null).Show();


Snapshot images do not include any custom overlays or annotations that your app added to the map view. If you want your annotations and overlays to appear on the final image, you must draw them yourself. To position those items correctly on the image, use the pointForCoordinate: method of this class to translate the overlay or annotation coordinate value to an appropriate location inside the image’s coordinate space.



Snapshotter objects do not capture the visual representations of any overlays or annotations that your app creates. If you want those items to appear in the final snapshot, you must draw them on the resulting snapshot image. For more information about drawing custom content on map snapshots, see MKMapSnapshot Class Reference.


我使用此博客 post 示例 (ObjC) 在 C# 中构建了我自己的示例:

请参阅 Drawing Annotations on Map View Snapshot 部分及其下面的部分以获取示例,并根据您实际需要在保存的地图图像中包含的内容进行转换:
