Web Api 路由多个 DTO 相同的 POCO

Web Api Routing Multiple DTOs Same POCO

我对如何在同一个 POCO 有多个 DTO 时实现 Web API 路由有疑问。


List 1 Prop A1 | Prop A2 | Prop A3 | Prop A4

List 2 Prop A21 | Prop A22 | Prop A23 | Prop A24 | Prop A25 | Prop A26 | Prop A27 | Prop A28 |

我会称之为公司,因为有很多例子使用这个 class 名称

像这样实施 Web API + DTO 策略是否正确?



public class CompaniesController : ApiController
    private MultiTierWebApiContext db = new MultiTierWebApiContext();

    private static readonly Expression<Func<Company, CompanyDetailDTO>> AsCompanyDetailDTO =
         x => new CompanyDetailDTO
             Name = x.Name,
             Email = x.Email,
             isCustomer = x.isCustomer,
             isSupplier = x.isSupplier,
             Id = x.Id

    private static readonly Expression<Func<Company, CompanyMediumListDTO>> AsCompanyMediumListDTO =
        x => new CompanyMediumListDTO
            Name = x.Name,
            Email = x.Email,
            Id = x.Id

    private static readonly Expression<Func<Company, CompanyLightListDTO>> AsCompanyLightListDTO =
        x => new CompanyLightListDTO
            Name = x.Name,
            Id = x.Id

    // GET: api/Companies/LightList
    [Route("api/Companies/LightList")] **It works, but is this a correct way to do it?**
    public IQueryable<CompanyLightListDTO>GetCompaniesLightList()
        return db.Companies.Select(AsCompanyLightListDTO);   // default

    // GET: api/Companies/MediumList
    public IQueryable<CompanyMediumListDTO> GetCompaniesMediumList()
        return db.Companies.Select(AsCompanyMediumListDTO);   // default

// remaining code removed for simplicity


我会说你走在正确的轨道上,只提供与特定 DTO 相关的相关信息。不要提供不必要的数据。

如果您查看以下演练,您将看到它们如何遵循与示例中的相似模式。 Create a REST API with Attribute Routing in ASP.NET Web API 2


Instead, I want this request to return a subset of the fields. Also, I want it to return the author's name, rather than the author ID. To accomplish this, we'll modify the controller methods to return a data transfer object (DTO) instead of the EF model. A DTO is an object that is designed only to carry data.

// Typed lambda expression for Select() method.
private static readonly Expression<Func<Book, BookDto>> AsBookDto =
    x => new BookDto
        Title = x.Title,
        Author = x.Author.Name,
        Genre = x.Genre

// GET api/Books
public IQueryable<BookDto> GetBooks()
    return db.Books.Include(b => b.Author).Select(AsBookDto);

我的建议是将 transformation/projection 功能从控制器 (SoC) 分离到它们自己的服务 (SRP) 中,并将它们注入 (DI) 到 ApiController 中。它将使您的控制器保持轻便。