Python (GDAL):从 WGS84 到 NZTM2000 的投影转换不正确

Python (GDAL): projection conversion from WGS84 to NZTM2000 is not correct

我是 Python 和 GDAL 的新手。我正在将以下文件转换为 NZTM2000 坐标转换器。我将文件导入为 csv,然后使用 Lat/Long 将其转换为 XY 输出。但是,结果对我来说不正确。我不明白输出 unit/scale。我期待的是 6 位数。


"reads a CSV file and converts its coordinates"
import os
import csv
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
from osgeo import ogr

# Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
SourceEPSG = 4326  
TargetEPSG = 2193

source = osr.SpatialReference()

target = osr.SpatialReference()

# Input file details
fullpath = os.path.abspath("\ew0001\NavigationsCMP")

def CRSTransform(Lat, Long):
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source, target)
    point = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT ("+Lat+" "+Long+")")
    print point.GetX(), "   ", point.GetY()

print "Reading CSV"
inCSV = csv.DictReader(open(fullpath+".csv"))
for row in inCSV:
    lat = row['Lat']
    long = row['Long']
    CRSTransform(lat, long)


Lat Long    CMP Year    Month   Day Hours   Mins    Sec XXX Line    Vintage
-44.419134  172.243651  264 2000    1   23  6   11  10  180 10  EW0001
-44.419176  172.243706  265 2000    1   23  6   11  12  681 10  EW0001
-44.419214  172.243759  266 2000    1   23  6   11  15  181 10  EW0001
-44.419259  172.24382   267 2000    1   23  6   11  17  711 10  EW0001


-44.419134     172.243651
-44.419176     172.243706
-44.419214     172.243759
-44.419259     172.24382

GDAL <3 的原始答案

您需要调换坐标轴顺序,使 X = 经度,Y = 纬度。

def CRSTransform(Lat, Long):
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source, target)
    point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
    point.SetPoint_2D(0, float(Long), float(Lat))
    print point.GetX(), "   ", point.GetY()

CRSTransform(-44.419134, 172.243651)  # 1539788.868     5081294.99354

GDAL 3+ 的更新答案

轴顺序已从 GDAL 3.0 更改(例如,参见 GDAL's OSR API tutorial)。默认顺序是“符合权威”的,例如Lat/Long。要获得 X/Y 的“传统轴订单”,请使用:


如果您想为 source 保留 Lat/Long,它将是默认值或指定的:


请注意 EPSG:2193 具有默认权限 Northing/Easting(或 Y/X)。