Fortran 95 中的行列式

Determinant in Fortran95

此 Fortran 代码使用拉普拉斯公式(未成年人展开)计算 nxn 矩阵的行列式。我完全理解这个过程是如何工作的。

但是有人可以让我深入了解以下代码是如何运行的,比如给定的迭代,这部分代码包含递归函数行列式(矩阵)-假设读入并传递了一些 nxn 矩阵,然后调用辅助因子的另一个函数。我理解代码的某些方面,但它的递归让我深感困惑。我尝试 运行 逐步使用 3x3 矩阵,但无济于事。

! Expansion of determinants using Laplace formula
recursive function determinant(matrix) result(laplace_det)
real, dimension(:,:) :: matrix
integer :: msize(2), i, n
real :: laplace_det, det
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cf

msize = shape(matrix) 
n = msize(1)          

if (n .eq. 1) then  
  det = matrix(1,1)
  det = 0    
  do i=1, n  
    allocate(cf(n-1, n-1))     
    cf = cofactor(matrix, i, 1)
    det = det + ((-1)**(i+1))* matrix(i,1) * determinant(cf)
  end do        
end if
laplace_det = det
end function determinant       

 function cofactor(matrix, mI, mJ)
  real, dimension(:,:) :: matrix
  integer :: mI, mJ
  integer :: msize(2), i, j, k, l, n
  real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cofactor
  msize = shape(matrix)
  n = msize(1)

  allocate(cofactor(n-1, n-1))
  k = 1
  do i=1, n
   if (i .ne. mI) then
     l = 1
     do j=1, n
       if (j .ne. mJ) then
         cofactor(k,l) = matrix(i,j)
         l = l+ 1
       end if
     end do
     k = k+ 1
   end if
  end do
end function cofactor


cf = cofactor(matrix, i, 1)
det = det + ((-1)**(i+1))* matrix(i,1) * determinant(cf)

任何解释的输入将不胜感激(就像我说的一个迭代的例子)。这是我在 stack-overflow 中的第一个 post,因为我的大部分问题都在 mathstack 中(正如您可能从问题的数学性质中看出的那样)。尽管我确实有编程经验,但递归的概念(尤其是在这个例子中)确实让我感到困惑。


假设我们将以下 3x3 矩阵传递给 determinant()

2 9 4
7 5 3
6 1 8

例程中,为i = 1,2,3迭代执行以下两行:

cf = cofactor(matrix, i, 1)
det = det + ((-1)**(i+1))* matrix(i,1) * determinant(cf)

对应于第一列的拉普拉斯展开。更具体地说,通过删除 matrix 的第 i 行和第 1 列,将上述 3x3 matrix 传递给 cofactor() 以获得 2x2 子矩阵。得到的2x2的子矩阵(cf)再传给下一行的determinant(),计算出这个子矩阵对应的辅因子。因此,在第一次迭代中,我们试图计算

请注意,右侧的三个行列式尚未通过后续调用 determinant() 进行计算。让我们考虑一个这样的后续调用,例如i=1。我们正在传递以下子矩阵(存储在 cf

5 3
1 8

determinant()。然后,与父 3x3 矩阵的拉普拉斯展开无关,再次重复上述相同过程。也就是说,determinant() 现在遍历 i=1,2 并尝试计算

请注意,此后续调用中的 i 与先前调用中的 i 不同;它们都是局部变量,存在于例程的特定调用中,并且彼此完全独立。另请注意,虚拟数组参数的索引(如 matrix(:,:))在 Fortran 中始终从 1 开始(除非另有说明)。如此反复,直到子矩阵的大小变为1.

但在实践中,我认为理解这种代码最简单的方法是编写中间数据并跟踪 data/routines 的实际流程。例如,我们可以插入很多print语句作为

module mymod
    implicit none

recursive function determinant(matrix) result(laplace_det)
    real :: matrix(:,:)
    integer :: i, n, p, q
    real :: laplace_det, det
    real, allocatable :: cf(:,:)

    n = size(matrix, 1) 

    !***** output *****   
    print "(a)", "Entering determinant() with matrix = "
    do p = 1, n
        print "(4x,100(f3.1,x))", ( matrix( p, q ), q=1,n )

    if (n == 1) then  
        det = matrix(1,1)
        det = 0
        do i = 1, n  
            allocate( cf(n-1, n-1) )
            cf = cofactor( matrix, i, 1 )

            !***** output *****
            print "(4x,a,i0,a,i0,a)", "Getting a ", &
                    n-1, "-by-", n-1, " sub-matrix from cofactor():"
            do p = 1, n-1
                print "(8x, 100(f3.1,x))", ( cf( p, q ), q=1,n-1 )

            print "(4x,a)", "and passing it to determinant()."

            det = det + ((-1)**(i+1))* matrix( i, 1 ) * determinant( cf )
        end do
    end if

    laplace_det = det

    !***** output *****
    print *, "  ---> Returning det = ", det
end function

function cofactor(matrix, mI, mJ)
    .... (same as the original code)
end function

end module

program main
    use mymod
    implicit none
    real :: a(3,3), det

    a( 1, : ) = [ 2.0, 9.0, 4.0 ]
    a( 2, : ) = [ 7.0, 5.0, 3.0 ]
    a( 3, : ) = [ 6.0, 1.0, 8.0 ]

    det = determinant( a )
    print "(a, es30.20)", "Final det = ", det
end program


Entering determinant() with matrix = 
    2.0 9.0 4.0
    7.0 5.0 3.0
    6.0 1.0 8.0
    Getting a 2-by-2 sub-matrix from cofactor():
        5.0 3.0
        1.0 8.0
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
    5.0 3.0
    1.0 8.0
    Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
   ---> Returning det =    8.0000000    
    Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
   ---> Returning det =    3.0000000    
   ---> Returning det =    37.000000    
    Getting a 2-by-2 sub-matrix from cofactor():
        9.0 4.0
        1.0 8.0
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
    9.0 4.0
    1.0 8.0
    Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
   ---> Returning det =    8.0000000    
    Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
   ---> Returning det =    4.0000000    
   ---> Returning det =    68.000000    
    Getting a 2-by-2 sub-matrix from cofactor():
        9.0 4.0
        5.0 3.0
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
    9.0 4.0
    5.0 3.0
    Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
   ---> Returning det =    3.0000000    
    Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
    and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix = 
   ---> Returning det =    4.0000000    
   ---> Returning det =    7.0000000    
   ---> Returning det =   -360.00000    
Final det =    -3.60000000000000000000E+02


顺便说一句,the Rossetta page 中的代码似乎比 OP 的代码简单得多,直接将子矩阵创建为本地数组。代码的简化版本为

recursive function det_rosetta( mat, n ) result( accum )
    integer :: n
    real    :: mat(n, n)
    real    :: submat(n-1, n-1), accum
    integer :: i, sgn

    if ( n == 1 ) then
        accum = mat(1,1)
        accum = 0.0
        sgn = 1
        do i = 1, n
            submat( 1:n-1, 1:i-1 ) = mat( 2:n, 1:i-1 )
            submat( 1:n-1, i:n-1 ) = mat( 2:n, i+1:n )

            accum = accum + sgn * mat(1, i) * det_rosetta( submat, n-1 )
            sgn = - sgn
end function

请注意,拉普拉斯展开是沿着第一行进行的,并且 submat 是使用数组部分分配的。赋值也可以简单地写成

submat( :, :i-1 ) = mat( 2:, :i-1 )
submat( :, i: )   = mat( 2:, i+1: )

其中省略了数组部分的上下界(那么默认使用上下界的声明值)。后一种形式用于 Rosetta 页面。