来自父级的子 NSManagedObjectContext 更新

Child NSManagedObjectContext update from parent


我有一个 NSFetchedResultsController 使用子上下文,然后我想通过它的委托更新 UI - 我不确定这是否完全正确的模式,这就是我现在正在做的:

我创建了一个子上下文,它从支持我的模型的 class 中的 Web 服务更新。这是一个简化的例子:

class Messages {

var pmoc: NSManagedObjectContext!
var delegate: MessagesDelegate?

init() {

    let appDel  = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
    let moc     = appDel.managedObjectContext

    let pmoc = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .PrivateQueueConcurrencyType)
    pmoc.parentContext = moc
    self.pmoc = pmoc

func dataToUpdatePrivateContextReceived() {

    // Add things to the private moc
    self.pmoc.performBlock { () -> Void in

        // Create new NSManagedOBject, etc.

func savePMOC() {

    self.pmoc.performBlock { () -> Void in

        do {

            try self.pmoc.save()
            // save main context through an abstraction...
            // Inform any delegate a save has taken place

        } catch let error as NSError {

            print("Save pmoc error :\(error.localizedDescription)")

protocol MessagesDelegate {
    func pmocSavedIntoMain()

然后在某些 UIViewController 中,我使用 NSFetchedResultsController 来更新 UITableView,我试图将此控制器与它自己的私有上下文一起使用,因此它的更新不会' t 阻止 UI。 另一个简化的例子:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController!
var viewPMOC: NSManagedObjectContext!
let messages = Messages()

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    messages.delegate = self

    let appDel  = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
    let moc     = appDel.managedObjectContext

    let pmoc = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .PrivateQueueConcurrencyType)
    pmoc.parentContext = moc
    self.viewPMOC = pmoc

    let fr = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "MyEntity")
    fr.fetchBatchSize = 20

    let sort = NSSortDescriptor(key: "id", ascending: false)
    fr.sortDescriptors = [sort]

    self.fetchedResultsController = NSFetchedResultsController(fetchRequest: fr,
        managedObjectContext: self.viewPMOC,
        sectionNameKeyPath: nil,
        cacheName: nil)

    self.fetchedResultsController.delegate = self

    do {

        try self.fetchedResultsController.performFetch()

    } catch let error as NSError {

        print("vdl fetch error is: \(error.localizedDescription)")

extension ViewController: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate {

func controllerWillChangeContent(controller: NSFetchedResultsController) {
    // dispatch begin updates on maind thread

func controller(controller: NSFetchedResultsController, didChangeObject anObject: AnyObject, atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath?, forChangeType type: NSFetchedResultsChangeType, newIndexPath: NSIndexPath?) {
    // handle update type on main thread

func controllerDidChangeContent(controller: NSFetchedResultsController) {
    // dispatch end upds on main thread

extension ViewController: MessagesDelegate {
func pmocSavedIntoMain() {
    // what can I do here to get the child context to update from
    //parent and thus trigger the fetched results controller to update the view?

I'm trying to use this controller with it's own private context so it's updating doesn't block the UI

虽然 FRC 的工作是更新 UI - 这个应该在主线程上,而不是像你提到的那样,一个加载数据的私有上下文。我会把 FRC 放回你的主上下文(当你保存你的子上下文时,它会自动更新),除非你有性能问题,否则就把它留在那里。然后你可以看看更多奇特的东西,但 FRC 旨在通过诸如 batchSize.



使用此模式摆脱 "choppiness"。

RootContext (private queue) - saves to persistent store
MainContext (main queue) child of RootContext - use for UI (FRC)
WorkerContext (private queue) - child of MainContext - use for updates & inserts

您的 Web 查询完成后,创建工作上下文并更新数据模型。当您 save 时,更改将被推送到主上下文,并且您的 UI 应该通过 FRC 委托进行更新。保存主上下文和根上下文以持久保存。

确保在处理子上下文时始终使用块方法 performBlockperformBlockAndWait