
Blackjack game: Determining the winner

我制作了一个 21 点游戏,除了确定获胜者外,它完全有效。谁能帮我解决我做错了什么?这是我 运行 程序时发生的情况的示例。

Cooper 's cards are : Five of Spades and King of Hearts
The Dealer's cards are: Eight of Diamonds and Ten of Spades
Your total is 15, Would you like to take a hit or stay? hit
You drew a Eight of Hearts .
You now have a total of 23
You busted!
You beat the Dealer! You got lucky punk.

Process finished with exit code 0



from Deck import Deck
from Card import Card
from Hand import Hand
import sys

deck = Deck()

def rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal):
    if int(playerTotal) > 21:
        print "You busted!"
        if int(dealerTotal) == 21:
            print 'To make it worse, dealer has 21.'
    if int(dealerTotal) > 21:
        print "The Dealer has busted. You win!"
    if int(playerTotal) == 21:
        print " You got 21! So you win!"
        if int(dealerTotal) == 21:
            print "The Dealer also got 21. Tough Break."
    elif int(dealerTotal) == 21:
        print "The Dealer got 21! Tough Break, you lose!"
        if int(playerTotal) > int(dealerTotal):
            print "You beat the Dealer! You got lucky punk."
        elif int(playerTotal) == int(dealerTotal):
            print "It is a push, no one wins!"
        elif int(playerTotal) < int(dealerTotal):
            print "Dealer wins! Better luck next time loser."

def game():

    player = raw_input("What is your name? ")
    print "        /////////////////////////////////////////\n" \
          "       /////////////////////////////////////////\n" \
          "      ///////// LET'S PLAY BLACKJACK //////////\n" \
          "     /////////////////////////////////////////\n" \
          "    /////////////////////////////////////////\n"
    pCard1 = deck.deal()
    pCard2 = deck.deal()
    print player, "'s cards are :", pCard1, "and", pCard2
    dCard1 = deck.deal()
    dCard2 = deck.deal()
    print "The Dealer's cards are:", dCard1, "and", dCard2
    playerTotal = (Card.getCardValue(pCard1) + Card.getCardValue(pCard2))
    dealerTotal = (Card.getCardValue(dCard1) + Card.getCardValue(dCard2))
    if playerTotal == 21:
    elif dealerTotal == 21:
        option = raw_input("Your total is " + str(playerTotal) + ", Would you like to take a hit or stay? ")
        if option == "Hit" or option == "hit":
            pCard = deck.deal()
            playerTotal = playerTotal + (Card.getCardValue(pCard))
            print "You drew a", pCard, "."
            print "You now have a total of", playerTotal
            while playerTotal < 21:
                option = raw_input("Your total is " + str(playerTotal) + ", Would you like to take a hit or stay? ")
                if option == "stay" or option == "Stay":
                    rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal)
                    pCard = deck.deal()
                    playerTotal = playerTotal + (Card.getCardValue(pCard))
                    print "You drew a", pCard, "."
                    print "You now have a total of", playerTotal
            rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal)
        if option == "stay" or option == "Stay":
            rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal)

def dealerHit(playerTotal,dealerTotal):
    while dealerTotal < playerTotal:
        dcard = deck.deal()
        dealerTotal = dealerTotal + (Card.getCardValue(dcard))
        print "The dealer drew a", dcard, "."
        print "The dealer now has a total of", dealerTotal
    return dealerTotal

def dealersTurn(dealerTotal):
    while dealerTotal < 17:
        dcard = deck.deal()
        dealerTotal = dealerTotal + (Card.getCardValue(dcard))
    return dealerTotal

def rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal):
    if int(playerTotal) > 21:
        print "You busted!"
        if int(dealerTotal) == 21:
            print 'To make it worse, dealer has 21.'
        print "Dealer wins! Better luck next time loser."

    if int(dealerTotal) > 21:
        print "The Dealer has busted. You win!"

    if int(playerTotal) == 21:
        print " You got 21! So you win!"
        if int(dealerTotal) == 21:
            print "The Dealer also got 21. Tough Break."
    elif int(dealerTotal) == 21:
        print "The Dealer got 21! Tough Break, you lose!"
        if int(playerTotal) > int(dealerTotal):
            print "You beat the Dealer! You got lucky punk."
        elif int(playerTotal) == int(dealerTotal):
            print "It is a push, no one wins!"
        elif int(playerTotal) < int(dealerTotal):
            print "Dealer wins! Better luck next time loser."


如果您在 rules 方法中将 print 更改为 return,它将按照您的预期进行。您希望一旦一项检查为真,就不必费心检查其他条件。

但是,在您调用主要 game 方法中的方法之前,您已经在进行一些检查:

if playerTotal == 21:
    rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal)


elif dealerTotal == 21:
    rules(playerTotal, dealerTotal)

同样,如果庄家点到 21,则庄家获胜 - 无需进行特定检查。

您需要删除此检查,并且每当发牌时 - 您需要使用 rules 方法进行计算;或者很简单,继续玩游戏直到玩家点数达到 21 或以上,或者庄家(庄家)点数达到 21 或以上:

 player_total = Card.getCardValue(pCard1) + Card.getCardValue(pCard2)
 dealer_total = Card.getCardValue(dCard1) + Card.getCardValue(dCard2)

 while player_total <= 21 or dealer_total <= 21:
    # Your game logic
    player_total += Card.getCardValue(pCard1) + Card.getCardValue(pCard2)
    dealer_total += Card.getCardValue(dCard1) + Card.getCardValue(dCard2)

 if player_total == 21:
     print('You win')
     print('You lose')

Taesu 的答案很接近,但是像您在这里所做的那样,先玩两手牌,然后再查看总数,根本不可能正确玩 21 点牌。一手牌的玩法和一手牌的结果交织在一起,必须放在同一个函数中,该函数按顺序执行以下所有操作:

  1. 发两张牌给庄家和闲家。
  2. 如果庄家的明牌是 A,提供保险投注(您可能想要 为简单起见将其删除)
  3. 如果公开牌是 A 或 10,庄家偷看。如果他有天赋,游戏就是 超过。自然平局的玩家,其他人输了。
  4. pay/take保险投注
  5. 庄家不是天生的,所以如果玩家是天生的,支付奖金 (3/2,6/5,随便你决定)游戏结束。
  6. 允许玩家击打:这是一个循环。如果他破产了,就摆脱 循环和游戏结束,玩家输了。你可能想离开 为了简单起见,诸如加倍和分裂之类的东西。
  7. 玩家以站立结束循环,所以现在玩庄家手牌 适当的规则。如果庄家爆牌,游戏结束,玩家获胜。
  8. 最后,如果都没有爆破,则等手推,大手赢。