CefSharp 自定义 SchemeHandler

CefSharp custom SchemeHandler

我正在使用 CefSharp 的 SchemeHandler,以便使用自定义 url 从我的 C# 项目中获取资源,例如 .css.js.png 文件 custom://cefsharp/assets/css/style.css

我有 2 个自定义 classes 来存档它。

第一个 class,MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory 将是处理自定义方案的那个,它看起来像这样,其中 "custom" 将是自定义方案:

internal class MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory : ISchemeHandlerFactory
    public const string SchemeName = "custom";

    public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
        return new MyCustomSchemeHandler();

我实现的下一个 class 是 MyCustomSchemeHandler,它将接收调用并输出响应,它看起来像这样:

internal class MyCustomSchemeHandler : IResourceHandler

    private static readonly IDictionary<string, string> ResourceDictionary;

    private string mimeType;
    private MemoryStream stream;

    static MyCustomSchemeHandler()
        ResourceDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "/home.html", Properties.Resources.index},
            { "/assets/css/style.css", Properties.Resources.style}

    public Stream Stream { get; set; }
    public int StatusCode { get; set; }
    public string StatusText { get; set; }
    public string MimeType { get; set; }
    public NameValueCollection Headers { get; private set; }

    public Stream GetResponse(IResponse response, out long responseLength, out string redirectUrl)
        redirectUrl = null;
        responseLength = -1;

        response.MimeType = MimeType;
        response.StatusCode = StatusCode;
        response.StatusText = StatusText;
        response.ResponseHeaders = Headers;

        var memoryStream = Stream as MemoryStream;
        if (memoryStream != null)
            responseLength = memoryStream.Length;

        return Stream;

    public bool ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
        // The 'host' portion is entirely ignored by this scheme handler.
        var uri = new Uri(request.Url);
        var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;
        string resource;

        if (ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(fileName, out resource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))
            var resourceHandler = ResourceHandler.FromString(resource);
            stream = (MemoryStream)resourceHandler.Stream;

            var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
            mimeType = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension);

            return true;

        return false;

    void GetResponseHeaders(IResponse response, out long responseLength, out string redirectUrl)
        responseLength = stream == null ? 0 : stream.Length;
        redirectUrl = null;

        response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
        response.StatusText = "OK";
        response.MimeType = mimeType;

    bool ReadResponse(Stream dataOut, out int bytesRead, ICallback callback)
        //Dispose the callback as it's an unmanaged resource, we don't need it in this case

        if (stream == null)
            bytesRead = 0;
            return false;

        //Data out represents an underlying buffer (typically 32kb in size).
        var buffer = new byte[dataOut.Length];
        bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        dataOut.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        return bytesRead > 0;

    bool CanGetCookie(Cookie cookie)
        return true;

    bool CanSetCookie(Cookie cookie)
        return true;

    void Cancel()



在这个 class 中,我定义了一个自定义资源字典,它将指示将使用资源中的哪个文件,因此正如我在第一个示例中所述,custom://cefsharp/assets/css/style.css 应该加载资源Properties.Resources.style,问题是一旦我进入特定的 url,就没有加载任何东西,我尝试输出 mimeType 并且它有效,但不知何故文件本身无法正确输出。我的实现有问题吗?


if (ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(fileName, out resource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))


为了加载自定义方案,我在初始化 CefSharp 之前使用了以下代码:

var settings = new CefSettings();
settings.RegisterScheme(new CefCustomScheme
    SchemeName = MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName,
    SchemeHandlerFactory = new MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory()

以上 classes 基于以下链接: 我的自定义方案处理程序工厂:FlashResourceHandlerFactory.cs 我的自定义方案处理程序:CefSharpSchemeHandler.cs and ResourceHandler.cs

如果你只是需要return一个字符串,那么你可以使用ResourceHandler.FromString(html, mimeType)。为此,您只需要实施 ISchemeHandlerFactory.


从文件中读取的示例 https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/blob/cefsharp/47/CefSharp.Example/CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory.cs#L17 可以非常简单地转换为从字符串中读取。

由于 Cefsharp 在过去几个月里发生了一些变化,这里是一种更新且更简单的处理 'file' 协议的方法。我就这件事写了blog post


using System;
using System.IO;
using CefSharp;

namespace MyProject.CustomProtocol
    public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandler : ResourceHandler
        // Specifies where you bundled app resides.
        // Basically path to your index.html
        private string frontendFolderPath;

        public CustomProtocolSchemeHandler()
            frontendFolderPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "./bundle/");

        // Process request and craft response.
        public override bool ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
            var uri = new Uri(request.Url);
            var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;

            var requestedFilePath = frontendFolderPath + fileName;

            if (File.Exists(requestedFilePath))
                byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(requestedFilePath);
                Stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);

                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                MimeType = GetMimeType(fileExtension);

                return true;

            return false;

    public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory : ISchemeHandlerFactory
        public const string SchemeName = "customFileProtocol";

        public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
            return new CustomProtocolSchemeHandler();


var settings = new CefSettings
  BrowserSubprocessPath = GetCefExecutablePath()

settings.RegisterScheme(new CefCustomScheme
  SchemeName = CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName,
  SchemeHandlerFactory = new CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory()