这在 android 库中意味着什么?

What does this mean in android library?

This library will NOT do anything that is not strictly needed for this to build/work. Since this class has since been removed from AOSP, this library should be considered DEPRECATED. No efforts will be put into it, including merging PRs, for anything but very critical issues.

A backport of the Android 4.2 GlowPadView that works on the SDK on API levels 4+.

它在很大程度上基于 Google 自己的内部实现 GlowPadView 在 Android 4.2 Jelly Bean 中找到,但已移植到能够 运行 在 Android SDK 上从 1.6 版开始(API 4 级,代号 油炸圈饼)。它在几个方法调用中使用反射来访问一些 隐藏 APIs,所以它可能会在某些 Android 版本上中断,或者在 未来。我尝试尽可能地限制反射的使用, 但是这三种方法没有任何替代方法。

我将在相同的 Apache 2.0 许可下发布我自己的代码 底层 Android 代码已获得许可。 Android 代码由 Google,并在相同的 Apache 2.0 许可证下获得许可。

GlowPadBackport 依赖于 NineOldAndroids,它是 Android 3+ 动画 API 由 Jake Wharton 制作。




This library will NOT do anything that is not strictly needed for this to build/work.


Since this class has since been removed from AOSP, this library should be considered DEPRECATED. No efforts will be put into it, including merging PRs, for anything but very critical issues.


A backport of the Android 4.2 GlowPadView that works on the SDK on API levels 4+.

我们重写了最初为 Android 4.2 编写的 UI 组件,并使其适用于 Android 1.6+。

It is heavily based upon Google's own internal implementation of the GlowPadView found in Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, but ported to be able to run on the Android SDK up from version 1.6 (API level 4, codename Donut).

这样的 UI 组件从未对具有 public API 的软件可用,因此我们进入 Android 开源项目存储库并复制了代码 Google 写道。

It uses Reflection in a couple of method calls to access some hidden APIs, so it might break on some Android version, or in the future. I tried limiting the usage of Reflection as much as possible, but those three methods did not have any alternatives.

组件本身使用非 public API,我们通过使用称为 Reflection 的编程技术解决了这个问题,这一点都不好。

I'm releasing my own code under the same Apache 2.0 license the underlying Android code is licensed under. Android code is written by Google, and licensed under that same Apache 2.0 license.


GlowPadBackport relies on NineOldAndroids, an awesome backport of the Android 3+ Animation APIs made by Jake Wharton.
