如果 f(n) = O(h(n)) 那么对于所有 c > 0 的 c*f(n) = O(h(n)) - 证明受到挑战?

If f(n) = O(h(n)) then c*f(n) = O(h(n)) for all c > 0 - proof challenged?


对于任何给定常数 c>0 |如果 f(n) = O(h(n)) 那么 c*f(n) = O(h(n))


令 f(n) = n 且 c = n+1。然后 c*f(n) = (n+1)n = n^2+n = O(n^2),

而 f(n) = n = O(n)

所以猜想不成立因为O(n^2) != O(n) when f(n) = n and c = n+1.


Theorem: Any constant value is is O(1).

Aside: You will often hear a constant running time algorithm described as O(1).

Corollary: Given f(x) which is O(g(x)) and a constant a, we know that af(x) is O(g(x)).

That is, if we have a function multiplied by a constant, we can ignore the constant in the big-O.


c 是常量,n 是变量,因此 n+1 不是常量


如果你有一个变量,n乘以常数kn是增长,k 的影响被最小化。它变成了一个极限问题,来自小学微积分。