无法从 Microsoft 符号服务器下载 "ntdll.dll" 的符号

Symbols for "ntdll.dll" could not be downloaded from Microsoft Symbol Servers

我正在尝试将我的 Windows Phone 8 应用程序移植到 Windows 10。我能够构建我的应用程序。当我尝试在移动模拟器上的 Release x86 中部署我的应用程序时,它失败并给出以下消息:

Symbols for ntdll.dll could not be downloaded from Microsoft Symbol Servers. Exception string and call stacks may not work correctly. Make sure you have network connection and try again

尽管我试图 运行 我的应用程序处于 发布 模式,但我不确定为什么 VS-2015 正在下载这些调试符号。


这是版本 10.0.10586.122 (th2_release_inmarket.160222-1549) 中 x86 NTDLL.dll 的一个已知问题。 Microsoft 符号服务器上缺少该文件:

SYMSRV:  Successfully closed the connection to the Server.
SYMSRV:  d:\sym\dl\wn\wntdll.pdb814CFBD1A74710A3F8FCAD3D7EC5661\wntdll.pdb not found
SYMSRV:  https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/wntdll.pdb/39814CFBD1A74710A3F8FCAD3D7EC5661/wntdll.pdb not found
DBGHELP: wntdll.pdb - file not found
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for ntdll.dll - 

我已将其报告给 Microsoft,他们会调查此问题。

// 更新 2016-03-15

wntdll.pdb 现在可在符号服务器上使用:

0:000> lmvm ntdll
Browse full module list
start    end        module name
77a70000 77beb000   ntdll      (pdb symbols)   


    Loaded symbol image file: ntdll.dll
    Image path: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
    Image name: ntdll.dll
    Browse all global symbols  functions  data
    Timestamp:        Tue Feb 23 09:23:17 2016 (56CC16F5)
    CheckSum:         001873F8
    ImageSize:        0017B000
    File version:     10.0.10586.122
    Product version:  10.0.10586.122
    File flags:       0 (Mask 3F)
    File OS:          40004 NT Win32
    File type:        2.0 Dll
    File date:        00000000.00000000
    Translations:     0409.04b0
    CompanyName:      Microsoft Corporation
    ProductName:      Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
    InternalName:     ntdll.dll
    OriginalFilename: ntdll.dll
    ProductVersion:   10.0.10586.122
    FileVersion:      10.0.10586.122 (th2_release_inmarket.160222-1549)
    FileDescription:  NT Layer DLL
    LegalCopyright:   © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

我今天(2016 年 11 月)仍然面临这个问题,对于 ntdll 和许多其他系统和 crt dll。我在 VS 中做的是加载 dll 导出而不是仅仅依赖 PDBs:

工具\选项\调试\常规\"Load dll exports (Native only)"

这里似乎有问题,符号已损坏或无法重新下载。见下图,在 Debugging->Symbols 路径下有一个你可以检查的选项,它对我来说是未选中的。这样做后效果很好。