如何在 webview 中显示数据库中的缅甸字体

How to show Myanmar font from database in webview

我在数据库中存储缅甸字体。当我通过 webview 显示缅甸字体时,它们显示以下内容。如何更改我的代码?请帮助我。

ပရá'á€á± (ပရá' + အá€á³) = အá,ွá€...္ ... ာá‹

These are my codes.
 dstory = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.dstory);
 String data=result.getString(3);
 dstory.loadData(data , "text/html", "utf-8");

尝试将字体添加到您的资产文件夹,然后通过 CSS

将其添加到您的 WebView


webView.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/", data, "text/html", "UTF-8", null);

你的 CSS 应该是

 @font-face {
   font-family: 'my_font';
   src: url('my_font.ttf');

@Muthu 谢谢你advice.Now我明白了。


@font-face {
    font-family: 'ZawgyiOne2008';
    src: url('file:///android_asset/ZawgyiOne2008.ttf');  
    font-family: ZawgyiOne2008; width: 100%;
    background-color: transparent;
    padding: 0px;

在我的DetailActivity.java,到link css用的满html.

        WebView view = (WebView)findViewById(R.id.webView1);
        final String mimeType = "text/html";
        final String encoding = "UTF-8";
        String html =
        "<html><head><LINK href=\"file:///android_asset/bootstrap.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/></head><body><H1 class='label'>A simple HTML page</H1>" +
        "<input type='text' class='input-large' required='true' id='cname' name='cname'/>" +
        "<input type='text'/>" +        
        "<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</p></body></html>";
        view.loadDataWithBaseURL("", html, mimeType, encoding, ""); 


String old="%@";
String newstr=html.replace(old, data);