发送到队列时发生错误:无法识别的错误 -1072824273 (0xc00e002f)。确保安装了 MSMQ 并且 运行

An error occurred while sending to the queue: Unrecognized error -1072824273 (0xc00e002f).Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running


An error occurred while sending to the queue: Unrecognized error -1072824273 (0xc00e002f).Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. If you are sending to a local queue, ensure the queue exists with the required access mode and authorization


在翻阅许多帖子后,我自己找到了解决方案。 它只需要为配对客户端机器和帐户注册客户端证书。我不知道为什么一个帐户有证书而另一个没有。要注册证书,需要这样做(无需创建证书):

  1. 运行 mmc 与客户端机器上的帐户
  2. Select 树视图中的消息队列项
  3. Select 属性形成上下文菜单(右键单击按钮)
  4. Select "User Certificate tab" 然后点击注册。 Select客户端机器和当前账户(生产账户)的配对。
  5. 再试一次。


Clearing up MSMQ certificates from Active Directory

Microsoft 支持人员提供了另一种可能的解决方案:

Often this issue happens due to insufficient privileges or a network disruption when the queues were first made. So another solution is to delete them and recrate them completely with an account with sufficient privileges.

If they are performing well now with no lost messages, I would not recommend that we do this, but that we continue to monitor the situation.