如何使用聚合函数过滤 SQL 语句中的行

How to filter rows in SQL statement with aggregate function

我在 SQL 中创建了一个 [Total Calls Made] 列,但不知道如何访问它。我试图只显示 [Total Calls Made] 等于 0 的行,但由于它实际上不是 table 的一部分,我不能只添加一个说 where [Total Calls Made] = 0 的子句。我尝试添加 having count(distinct f.[id])=0,但所做的只是使 Total Call Made 中的非 0 值变为 Null。这是为什么?我只能对 select 0 行做什么?


    p.[ref] as [ID],
    p.[first] as [First],
    (select count(distinct f.[id]) 
     from [field] f 
     where (f.[related] = p.[id]) 
       and (f.[field] = 'person_that_called') 
     having count(distinct f.[id]) > 0) as [Total Calls Made]
    [person] p 


ID     First   Total Calls Made
--- |  ----  | ----------------
011 |  Bob   |       4
012 |  Susan |       2
013 |  Joe   |      Null


ID     First   Total Calls Made
--- |  ----  | ----------------
013 |  Joe   |        0

使用连接使所有非 0 值不显示,这与我想要的相反。

SELECT p.[Ref] as [ID], p.[First] as [First], Count(f.[Field]) as CallsMade 
from [person] p 
left outer join [field] f on f.[Related] = p.[Ref] and f.[Field] = 'person_that_called'
group by p.[Ref], p.[First]
having Count(f.[Field]) =0


尝试使用 cte

WITH    cte
      AS (SELECT    p.[ref] AS [ID]
                   ,p.[first] AS [First]
                   ,(SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT f.[id])
                            FROM    [field] f
                            WHERE   (f.[related] = p.[id])
                                    AND (f.[field] = 'person_that_called')
                            HAVING  COUNT(DISTINCT f.[id]) > 0
                           ) AS [Total Calls Made]
          FROM      [person] p
       ,ISNULL([Total Calls Made],0) as [Total Calls Made]
FROM    cte
WHERE   ISNULL(cte.[Total Calls Made],0) = 0