如何索引 astropy 中的可观察坐标 Table

How to index observable coordinates in an astropy Table

我昨天问了这个问题 () 关于对坐标列表进行排序以删除低于阈值的某些值,我从 @MSeifert 那里得到了很好的答案,但我有一个 table 其中这些坐标值与目标的其他属性(例如视星等和 Alt/Az 坐标)相匹配,所以我现在要求的是一种在 astropy.table 而不是astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord 来自我之前问题的列表。



radecs = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=phi*u.rad, dec=(0.5*np.pi - theta)*u.rad)

然后我将其转换为 Table:

x=Table([radecs.ra,radecs.dec,altaz.alt,altaz.az,app_mag], names=('RA', 
'Dec','Altitude', 'Azimuth','Apparent Magnitude'))


我想删除与偏角小于 -10 度相对应的行,类似于我在第一个问题中要求这样做的方式,但也要从 Table,而不仅仅是 'radecs' 值。

我在网上发现了 this 问题,这让我觉得从 Tables 中删除行的功能不存在(至少在 2013 年 6 月),但我认为应该有一个相当简单的解决我的问题。



x1 = x[x['Dec'] > -10*u.degree] # Remove everything below -10degree declination
x2 = x[x['Apparent Magnitude'] < 20] # Remove every star with a magnitude above 20

所以 x['Apparent Magnitude'] 给你列 'Apparent Magnitude' 等等。


magnitude_below_20 = x['Apparent Magnitude'] < 20
dec_above_m10 = x['Dec'] > -10*u.degree
# Get every row that satisfies both conditions:
x_from_comb_condition = x[magnitude_below_20 & dec_above_m10]
# or using the numpy-ufunc (gives the same result):
x_from_comb_condition = x[np.logical_and(magnitude_below_20, dec_above_m10)]



from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Table
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
phi = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,20)
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 20)
radecs = SkyCoord(ra=phi*u.rad, dec=(0.5*np.pi - theta)*u.rad)
app_mag = np.random.uniform(15,25, 20)
x=Table([radecs.ra,radecs.dec,app_mag], names=('RA', 'Dec','Apparent Magnitude'))
x[x['Dec'] > -10*u.degree]


RA              Dec             Apparent Magnitude
deg             deg 
float64         float64         float64
0.0             90.0            20.1080708665
18.9473684211   80.5263157895   22.7223534546
37.8947368421   71.0526315789   19.4416167208
56.8421052632   61.5789473684   20.7207435685
75.7894736842   52.1052631579   19.9318711443
94.7368421053   42.6315789474   23.8544483535
113.684210526   33.1578947368   15.8981196334
132.631578947   23.6842105263   24.2866475431
151.578947368   14.2105263158   15.9503148326
170.526315789   4.73684210526   16.5505303858
189.473684211   -4.73684210526  24.194771397

而完整的 Table 是:

RA              Dec             Apparent Magnitude
deg             deg 
float64         float64         float64
0.0             90.0            20.1080708665
18.9473684211   80.5263157895   22.7223534546
37.8947368421   71.0526315789   19.4416167208
56.8421052632   61.5789473684   20.7207435685
75.7894736842   52.1052631579   19.9318711443
94.7368421053   42.6315789474   23.8544483535
113.684210526   33.1578947368   15.8981196334
132.631578947   23.6842105263   24.2866475431
151.578947368   14.2105263158   15.9503148326
170.526315789   4.73684210526   16.5505303858
189.473684211   -4.73684210526  24.194771397
208.421052632   -14.2105263158  15.4721094564
227.368421053   -23.6842105263  20.6082525987
246.315789474   -33.1578947368  21.9730819638
265.263157895   -42.6315789474  17.3627571053
284.210526316   -52.1052631579  22.7065806097
303.157894737   -61.5789473684  23.7244993197
322.105263158   -71.0526315789  19.7676029836
341.052631579   -80.5263157895  19.2663871267
0.0             -90.0           19.5025214878

所以这只保留满足条件的行,"ignored" 所有其他行。


x.remove_row(0) # Removes the first row
x.remove_row(-1) # Removes the last row

但通常情况下,如果您想因条件而丢弃行,则需要建立索引。 remove_row 更适合手动删除 one/two 行。也许是因为它们是误报或其他原因...... 他们就地工作。所以永远不要 x = x.remove_row(-1) 因为那时 x 将是 None.