ASP.NET MVC 6 中的属性路由正则表达式约束错误

Error in attribute route regex constraint in ASP.NET MVC 6


public IActionResult Add(int id, string inn, int incBalance, DateTime dateSet, DateTime dateNext)


An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.

InvalidOperationException: The following errors occurred with attribute routing information:

Error 1:
For action: 'WebProject.Areas.DAS.Controllers.ReportController.Add'
Error: While processing template 'das/report/[action]/{id:int}/{inn:regex(^[0-9]+$)}/incBalance:range(0,1)/{dateSet:datetime}/{dateNext:datetime}', a replacement value for the token '0-9' could not be found. Available tokens: 'action, area, controller'.

我删除 regex(^[0-9]+$) 一切正常

当您在 RouteAttribute 中使用正则表达式时,您必须使用 [[]] 转义 [] 字符,因为 [ ] 保留给控制器参数(动作、控制器和区域),如 [Route("api/[controller]/[action]")].

Update:同样适用于 {},您可以使用 {{}} 将其转义,但这一个也适用于您在 app.UseMvc( route => ... ).
