在 Tumblr 博客上启用 HTTPS 支持

Enabling HTTPS support on Tumblr blogs

我正在尝试解决是否有办法通过 HTTPS/SSL link 访问 Tumblr 博客。

当我使用 HTTPS link 到 my blog 时,我无法访问它,但它可以在 HTTP 下工作。

我从 2014 年 2 月开始遇到 this post on TechCrunch,这表明有一个配置设置可以打开它,但它似乎不再存在。

According to Tumblr, the feature has been in testing for “weeks” now, and today is available in Tumblr’s settings. To enable it, users have to go to their Tumblr dashboard’s Account Settings, then toggle the switch, so to speak.

我来自 Tumblr 支持的回复:


Sorry, but what you’ve asked about isn’t supported at this time. We’ll share your desire for this feature with the rest of our team. Thanks Doug

Tumblr.com Support.

博客上的 SSL 现已可用! This post from Tumblr support 有deets。

基本上,您可以进入设置 -> 您的博客,应该有一个选项可以打开它: