有什么方法可以在 Windows Phone 8 中将 cloudinarydotnet 或 Cloudinary 用于 .net nuget 包

Is there any way to use cloudinarydotnet or Cloudinary for .net nuget package in Windows Phone 8

我想将 windows Phone 8 中 CameraCaptureService(Cimalino.Phone.Toolkit.Camera) 捕获的图像上传到 Cloudinary,我尝试使用 CloudinaryDotNet Nuget package but it doesn't Support windows Phone 8 . So i tried to use the Cloudinary Nuget Package ,它已安装但无法在项目中使用引用。有没有其他方法可以将图像上传到 Cloudinary

似乎 Windows Phone Helper Class 已经可以将图片上传到 Cloudinary


Win Phone 8 / Asp .Net Web API Image Upload