如何从可变向量中克隆最后一个元素,然后将值推送到 Rust 中的向量?

How to clone the last element from a mutable vector and then push a value to the vector in Rust?

如何从 mutable 向量中克隆最后一个元素,然后将值推送到 Rust 中的向量?

fn ElementsFromPoint(&self, ...) -> Vec<Root<Element>> {

    let mut elements: Vec<Root<Element>> = self.elements_from_point(point).iter()
        .map(|&untrusted_node_addr| {...}).collect();     

    let last_element = elements.last().clone().unwrap(); // elements.last() is Option<&Root<Element>>
    if let Some(root_element) = self.GetDocumentElement() { //self.GetDocumentElement() is Option<Root<Element>>
        if *last_element != root_element {



2620:17: 2620:25 error: cannot borrow `elements` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable [E0502]
2620                 elements.push(root_element);
2617:28: 2617:36 note: previous borrow of `elements` occurs here; the immutable borrow prevents subsequent moves or mutable borrows of `elements` until the borrow ends
2617         let last_element = elements.last().clone().unwrap();
2626:6: 2626:6 note: previous borrow ends here
2590     fn ElementsFromPoint(&self, x: Finite<f64>, y: Finite<f64>) -> Vec<Root<Element>> {
2626     }
2625:9: 2625:17 error: cannot move out of `elements` because it is borrowed [E0505]
2625         elements
2617:28: 2617:36 note: borrow of `elements` occurs here
2617         let last_element = elements.last().clone().unwrap();

我读过 并尝试过

let last_element = elements.last().unwrap().clone();


let last_element = elements.last().map(|t| t.clone()).unwrap();


.cloned() 还没有为 Root<T> 实现。

有没有办法从 mutable 向量中克隆最后一个元素,然后将一个值推送到 Rust 中的向量?或者我应该先实现 Cloned 特征?


fn ElementsFromPoint(&self, ...) -> Vec<Root<Element>> {

    let mut elements: Vec<Root<Element>> = self.elements_from_point(point).iter()
        .map(|&untrusted_node_addr| {...}).collect();

    if let Some(root_element) = self.GetDocumentElement() {
        if {
            match elements.last() {
                Some(last_element) => *last_element != root_element,
                None => true
        } {
