使用数组查询 Sqlite 数据库 Android

Query a Sqlite Database Using an Array Android


public Cursor notificationQuery(String geoIds) {
    Log.e("STRINGS", geoIds);
    return mDb.query(Constants.TABLE_POI_NAME,
            new String[]{Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_ID, Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_POI_NAME,
                    Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_LATITUDE, Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_LONGITUDE,
            Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_GEO_ID + " IN (?)",
            new String[]{geoIds},
            null, null, null, null);

geoIds 当前是两个值的数组,已转换为字符串。该字符串的记录值如下:


这些用于分隔用逗号分隔的 Id 值。当我使用“=?”单独测试每一个时而不是 "IN (?)" 我得到了与数据库的正确匹配,我的光标 return 是一个值。但是,当我的游标 return 合并时,它应该 return 数据库中的两行。请帮我解决这个问题!谢谢!

考虑一个函数 String makePlaceholders(int len),其中 returns len 个问号用逗号分隔,然后:

public Cursor notificationQuery(String geoId1,String geoId2) {
    //assume we split this geoIds to 2 different values. you need to have 2 strings no 1
    String[] ids = { geoId1, geoId2 }; // do whatever is needed first depends on your inputs
    String query = "SELECT * FROM "+ Constants.TABLE_POI_NAME + " WHERE "+ 
    Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_GEO_ID +" IN (" + makePlaceholders(names.length) + ")";
    return mDb.rawQuery(query, ids);    // ids is the table above

这是 makePlaceholders(int len) 的一种实现:

String makePlaceholders(int len) {
    if (len < 1) {
        // It will lead to an invalid query anyway ..
        throw new RuntimeException("No placeholders");
    } else {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len * 2 - 1);
        for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
        return sb.toString();

或者更简单,直接使用 geoIds 变量:

public Cursor notificationQuery(String geoIds) {
Log.e("STRINGS", geoIds);
return mDb.query(Constants.TABLE_POI_NAME,
        new String[]{Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_ID, Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_POI_NAME,
                Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_LATITUDE, Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_LONGITUDE,
        Constants.TABLE_COLUMN_GEO_ID + " IN (" + geoIds + ")",
        null, null, null, null, null);
