相同的颜色分配给 R 中相同水平的因子 plotly

Same color assigned to same level of factor in R plotly


plot_ly(df, x = variable, y=value, type = "bar", color = Product, hoverinfo = "text",
colors = colpal, text = paste0(df$value,"%")) %>%
layout(xaxis=ax, yaxis=yx, legend=list(x=1, y = 0.5))

是否可以确保第一级产品始终获得 colpal 的第一个值?

在 ggplot 中,我认为这可以通过像这样指定调色板来实现:

 c("Product A" = "#00AADC", "Product B" = "#843532","Product C" = "#2C5481", "Product D" = "#CADFE1")




    Product        variable value
1 Product A             DDD    24
2 Product B             DDD    22
3 Product C             DDD    35
4 Product D             DDD    19
5 Product A Brand attention    29
6 Product B Brand attention    27
7 Product C Brand attention    27
8 Product D Brand attention    18

所以我想要例如产品 A 每次都呈现相同的颜色。

我不确定这是否可行,但作为替代方案,您可以按照您的建议使用 ggplot2。



df <- read.table(text="
    Product        variable value
1 ProductA             DDD    24
2 ProductB             DDD    22
3 ProductC             DDD    35
4 ProductD             DDD    19
5 ProductA Brandattention    29
6 ProductB Brandattention    27
7 ProductC Brandattention    27
8 ProductD Brandattention    18",
  header = TRUE)

p <-  ggplot(data=df, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=Product)) + geom_bar(stat='identity', position='dodge') + scale_fill_manual(values=c("ProductA" = "red", "ProductB" = "black","ProductC" = "blue", "ProductD" = "orange"))

您也可以使用 plotly 制作调色板,但它并不过分优雅,至少我过去的做法是这样。应该让你开始。这是一个例子:


# Create a colour map
# Note that using factors will mess this up
mapColours <- data.frame(x = c('Graham', 'Eric', 'Terry', 'John'), 
                 colours = c('green', 'blue', 'red', 'orange'), 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# The full data to plot
df <- data.frame(x = mapColours$x,
                 y = c(7, 9, 5, 8), 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Plot all categories
plot_ly(df, x = x, y = y, type = 'bar', color = x, colors = mapColours$colours)

# Now subset the data
dfSub <- subset(df, subset = x %in% c('Eric', 'John'))
dfSub <- droplevels(dfSub)

# Won't work as is, uses the wrong colours
plot_ly(dfSub, x = x, y = y, type = 'bar', color = x, colors = mapColours$colours)

# Need to get new colour map
mapColoursSub <- mapColours[match(dfSub$x, mapColours$x), 'colours']

# Use the subsetted colour map
plot_ly(dfSub, x = x, y = y, type = 'bar', color = x, colors = mapColoursSub)


请注意,由于 plotly 使用的顺序(有时我无法破译),具有因子变量可能会搞砸。


R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)


other attached packages:
[1] plotly_3.4.3  ggplot2_2.1.0


编辑: 此示例使用 plotly 3.x.x。如果您使用 plotly 4.x.x 或更高版本,此代码可能无法正常工作。详情请看这里:https://www.r-bloggers.com/upgrading-to-plotly-4-0-and-above/

一个更新(2019 年底)在普通绘图中工作,使用 'color' 和 'colors' 属性用于条形图:


df <- read.table(text="
    Product        variable value
1 ProductA             DDD    24
2 ProductB             DDD    22
3 ProductC             DDD    35
4 ProductD             DDD    19
5 ProductA Brandattention    29
6 ProductB Brandattention    27
7 ProductC Brandattention    27
8 ProductD Brandattention    18", header = TRUE)

df %>% plot_ly(x = ~variable, y = ~value, type = 'bar', 
               color = ~Product, 
               colors = c("ProductA" = "red", 
                          "ProductB" = "black",
                          "ProductC" = "blue", 
                          "ProductD" = "orange"))