在 Rebol3 中评估代码块

Evaluating code blocks in Rebol3

我正在尝试通过使起始位置随机化来改进 the Sliding Tile Puzzle example

有更好的方法来做到这一点--"It is considered bad practice to convert values to strings and join them together to pass to do for evaluation."--但我采用的方法是尝试生成 Rebol3 源代码,然后对其求值。我认为它可以正确生成:

random/seed now
arr: random collect [ repeat tilenum 9 [ keep tilenum ] ]
hgroup-data: copy {}
repeat pos 9 [
    curtile: (pick arr pos)
    append hgroup-data either curtile = 9
        [ reduce "x: box tilesize gameback " ]
        [ rejoin [ { p "} curtile {" } ] ]
    if all [(pos // 3) = 0 pos != 9] [ append hgroup-data " return^/" ]
print hgroup-data


 p "4" x: box tilesize gameback  p "5"  return
 p "3"  p "7"  p "1"  return
 p "2"  p "8"  p "6" 


view/options [
    hgroup [ 
] [bg-color: gameback]


view/options [
    hgroup [ 
] [bg-color: gameback]

...(还有 print hgroup-datado hgroup-dataload hgroup-data),我收到此错误:

** GUI ERROR: Cannot parse the GUI dialect at: hgroup-data

...(或 at: print hgroup-data,等等,具体取决于我尝试的变体。)

如果我尝试 load [ hgroup-data ] 我得到:

** Script error: extend-face does not allow none! for its face argument
** Where: either if forever -apply- apply init-layout make-layout actor all foreach do-actor unless -apply- apply all build-face -apply- apply init-layout make-layout actor all foreach do-actor if build-face -apply- apply init-layout make-layout actor all foreach do-actor unless make-face -apply- apply case view do either either either -apply-
** Near: either all [
    word? act: dial/1
    block? body: get dial...

但是,如果我使用语法 hgroup do [ hgroup-data ],程序会运行,但没有按钮:它似乎在某种程度上被高估了,因此函数的 return 值 pbox 等直接放入 hgroup 作为代码。



view/options compose/only [
    hgroup (load hgroup-data)
] [bg-color: gameback]