Google 地图集群图标文本变为蓝色

Google Maps Cluster Icon text turns blue in color

我在 Google 地图中实现了具有以下样式的 Markercluster。一切都很好,但在摆弄地图后,标记簇的文本变成了蓝色。我希望文本是白色的。

  styles: [{
                        height: 53,
                        url: markerIcons.clusterM1,
                        width: 53,
                        textColor: "white",
                        textDecoration: "none"
                        height: 56,
                        url: markerIcons.clusterM2,
                        width: 56,
                        textColor: "white",
                        textDecoration: "none"
                        height: 66,
                        url: markerIcons.clusterM3,
                        width: 66,
                        textColor: "white",
                        textDecoration: "none"
                        height: 78,
                        url: markerIcons.clusterM4,
                        width: 78,
                        textColor: "white",
                        textDecoration: "none"
                        height: 90,
                        url: markerIcons.clusterM5,
                        width: 90,
                        textColor: "white",
                        textDecoration: "none"

"screenshot of the map"


能否扩展 css 对象以包含超链接样式?

                        height: 78,
                        url: markerIcons.clusterM4,
                        width: 78,
                        textColor: "white",
                        textDecoration: "none",
                        a.register:link { color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none;},
                        a.register:visited { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:none;},
                        a.register:hover { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline; },
                        a.register:active { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; }