如何为 ziplist 创建应用实例?
How do I create an applicative instance for ziplist?
我想为我的自定义列表实现一个 Applicative 实例。
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers
import Test.QuickCheck.Classes
data List a =
| Cons a (List a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Eq a => EqProp (List a) where (=-=) = eq
instance Functor List where
fmap _ Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons a Nil) = (Cons (f a) Nil)
fmap f (Cons a as) = (Cons (f a) (fmap f as))
main = do
let trigger = undefined :: List (Int, String, Int)
quickBatch $ applicative trigger
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (List a) where
arbitrary = sized go
where go 0 = pure Nil
go n = do
xs <- go (n - 1)
x <- arbitrary
return (Cons x xs)
instance Applicative List where
pure x = (Cons x Nil)
Nil <*> _ = Nil
_ <*> Nil = Nil
(Cons f fs) <*> (Cons a as) = (Cons (f a) (fs <*> as))
λ> main
identity: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests):
Cons 0 (Cons (-1) Nil)
composition: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests):
Cons <function> (Cons <function> Nil)
Cons <function> (Cons <function> Nil)
Cons 1 (Cons (-2) Nil)
homomorphism: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
interchange: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
functor: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests):
Cons (-2) (Cons (-1) Nil)
首先是 id 法失效:
λ> Cons id Nil <*> Cons 0 (Cons (-1) Nil)
Cons 0 Nil
我该如何解决这个问题? pure 采用 a
而不是 List a
,所以我看不到如何匹配 List 并保留嵌套列表结构。
λ> (Cons "b" Nil) <*> (Cons "c" Nil)
Couldn't match expected type ‘[Char] -> b’
with actual type ‘[Char]’
Relevant bindings include
it :: List b (bound at <interactive>:295:1)
In the first argument of ‘Cons’, namely ‘"b"’
In the first argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely ‘(Cons "b" Nil)’
In the expression: (Cons "b" Nil) <*> (Cons "c" Nil)
编辑:因为我在实现 ziplists 应用程序方面得到了很好的答案,所以我将问题更改为关于 ziplists 的问题。
对于您的 ZipList
pure id <*> someList = someList
不能 return 单元素列表,因为这会立即停止:
(Cons id Nil) <*> Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil)
= Cons (id 1) (Nil <*> Cons 2 Nil)
= Cons 1 Nil
这不是左身份的预期结果。如果 pure
不能 return 只有一个元素列表,它应该 return 多少?答案是:无限:
repeatList :: a -> List a
repeatList x = let c = Cons x c in c
为什么我称其为 ZipList
方法?因为它与 Control.Applicative.ZipList
中的行为相同,可以用 zipWith
zipWithList :: (a -> b -> c) -> List a -> List b -> List c
zipWithList f (Cons x xs) (Cons y ys) = Cons (f x y) (zipWithList f xs ys)
zipWithList _ _ _ = Nil
instance Applicative List where
pure = repeatList
(<*>) = zipWithList ($)
无法检查此实例,因为您的 EqProb
实例,因为 pure f <*> pure x == pure (f x)
prop_sameList :: Eq a => (Int, Int) -> List a -> List a -> Property
prop_sameList bounds xs ys = forAll (choose bounds) $ \n ->
takeList n xs `eq` takeList n ys
takeList :: Int -> List a -> List a
takeList _ Nil = Nil
takeList n (Cons x xs)
| n <= 0 = Nil
| otherwise = Cons x (takeList (n - 1) xs)
instance Eq a => EqProb (List a) where
(=-=) = prop_sameList (1000, 10000)
毕竟,我们只是想找到一个列表,其中 属性 不 成立。
扩展我对 Zeta 更有价值的回答的评论,您需要进行第二次更改才能使此测试达到 运行:
-- | Test lists for equality (fallibly) by comparing finite prefixes
-- of them. I've arbitrarily chosen a depth of 1,000. There may be
-- better ideas than that.
instance Eq a => EqProp (List a) where
xs =-= ys = takeList 1000 xs `eq` takeList 1000 ys
-- | Take a prefix of up to @n@ elements from a 'List'.
takeList :: Int -> List a -> List a
takeList _ Nil = Nil
takeList n (Cons a as)
| n > 0 = Cons a (takeList (n-1) as)
| otherwise = Nil
有了 Zeta 的更改和这一项,您的测试套件通过了:
identity: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
composition: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
homomorphism: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
interchange: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
functor: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
这里的关键见解是,从根本上说,QuickCheck 是一种用于查找属性的 反例 的工具。 QuickCheck 通常无法证明 属性 对所有可能的输入都成立,因为域可能是无限的。这就是为什么 checkers
("Types of values that can be tested for equality, perhaps through random sampling") 中有一个 EqProp
class 的原因——这样我们就可以实现搜索类型反例的技术和不允许简单相等比较的测试。
我想为我的自定义列表实现一个 Applicative 实例。
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers
import Test.QuickCheck.Classes
data List a =
| Cons a (List a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Eq a => EqProp (List a) where (=-=) = eq
instance Functor List where
fmap _ Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons a Nil) = (Cons (f a) Nil)
fmap f (Cons a as) = (Cons (f a) (fmap f as))
main = do
let trigger = undefined :: List (Int, String, Int)
quickBatch $ applicative trigger
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (List a) where
arbitrary = sized go
where go 0 = pure Nil
go n = do
xs <- go (n - 1)
x <- arbitrary
return (Cons x xs)
instance Applicative List where
pure x = (Cons x Nil)
Nil <*> _ = Nil
_ <*> Nil = Nil
(Cons f fs) <*> (Cons a as) = (Cons (f a) (fs <*> as))
λ> main
identity: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests):
Cons 0 (Cons (-1) Nil)
composition: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests):
Cons <function> (Cons <function> Nil)
Cons <function> (Cons <function> Nil)
Cons 1 (Cons (-2) Nil)
homomorphism: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
interchange: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
functor: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests):
Cons (-2) (Cons (-1) Nil)
首先是 id 法失效:
λ> Cons id Nil <*> Cons 0 (Cons (-1) Nil)
Cons 0 Nil
我该如何解决这个问题? pure 采用 a
而不是 List a
,所以我看不到如何匹配 List 并保留嵌套列表结构。
λ> (Cons "b" Nil) <*> (Cons "c" Nil)
Couldn't match expected type ‘[Char] -> b’
with actual type ‘[Char]’
Relevant bindings include
it :: List b (bound at <interactive>:295:1)
In the first argument of ‘Cons’, namely ‘"b"’
In the first argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely ‘(Cons "b" Nil)’
In the expression: (Cons "b" Nil) <*> (Cons "c" Nil)
编辑:因为我在实现 ziplists 应用程序方面得到了很好的答案,所以我将问题更改为关于 ziplists 的问题。
对于您的 ZipList
pure id <*> someList = someList
不能 return 单元素列表,因为这会立即停止:
(Cons id Nil) <*> Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil)
= Cons (id 1) (Nil <*> Cons 2 Nil)
= Cons 1 Nil
这不是左身份的预期结果。如果 pure
不能 return 只有一个元素列表,它应该 return 多少?答案是:无限:
repeatList :: a -> List a
repeatList x = let c = Cons x c in c
为什么我称其为 ZipList
方法?因为它与 Control.Applicative.ZipList
中的行为相同,可以用 zipWith
zipWithList :: (a -> b -> c) -> List a -> List b -> List c
zipWithList f (Cons x xs) (Cons y ys) = Cons (f x y) (zipWithList f xs ys)
zipWithList _ _ _ = Nil
instance Applicative List where
pure = repeatList
(<*>) = zipWithList ($)
无法检查此实例,因为您的 EqProb
实例,因为 pure f <*> pure x == pure (f x)
prop_sameList :: Eq a => (Int, Int) -> List a -> List a -> Property
prop_sameList bounds xs ys = forAll (choose bounds) $ \n ->
takeList n xs `eq` takeList n ys
takeList :: Int -> List a -> List a
takeList _ Nil = Nil
takeList n (Cons x xs)
| n <= 0 = Nil
| otherwise = Cons x (takeList (n - 1) xs)
instance Eq a => EqProb (List a) where
(=-=) = prop_sameList (1000, 10000)
毕竟,我们只是想找到一个列表,其中 属性 不 成立。
扩展我对 Zeta 更有价值的回答的评论,您需要进行第二次更改才能使此测试达到 运行:
-- | Test lists for equality (fallibly) by comparing finite prefixes
-- of them. I've arbitrarily chosen a depth of 1,000. There may be
-- better ideas than that.
instance Eq a => EqProp (List a) where
xs =-= ys = takeList 1000 xs `eq` takeList 1000 ys
-- | Take a prefix of up to @n@ elements from a 'List'.
takeList :: Int -> List a -> List a
takeList _ Nil = Nil
takeList n (Cons a as)
| n > 0 = Cons a (takeList (n-1) as)
| otherwise = Nil
有了 Zeta 的更改和这一项,您的测试套件通过了:
identity: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
composition: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
homomorphism: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
interchange: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
functor: +++ OK, passed 500 tests.
这里的关键见解是,从根本上说,QuickCheck 是一种用于查找属性的 反例 的工具。 QuickCheck 通常无法证明 属性 对所有可能的输入都成立,因为域可能是无限的。这就是为什么 checkers
("Types of values that can be tested for equality, perhaps through random sampling") 中有一个 EqProp
class 的原因——这样我们就可以实现搜索类型反例的技术和不允许简单相等比较的测试。