如何使用 C# 向 GoDaddy API 进行身份验证?

How do I authenticate to the GoDaddy API using C#?

我已经在 GoDaddy 上设置了一个帐户,并拥有用于访问 API 的开发人员密钥。使用 Fiddler,我能够构建 returns 结果的请求。但是,从控制台应用程序使用以下代码会失败并返回 "Unauthorized"。我在这两个地方使用相同的地址和密钥。


        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Authorization", "sso-key VUjHMntw_UyosKRMGaLXE4e3E1h29Xx:DSqM2jiJcRyXvSbLehjYUZ");

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("https://api.ote-godaddy.com/v1/domains/available?domain=google.com");

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var result = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<string>();


以下是我在 Fiddler 中所做的有效操作:

我相当确定您发送的身份验证 header 为:

Authorization: Authorization sso-key VUjHMntw_UyosKRMGaLXE4e3E1h29Xx:DSqM2jiJcRyXvSbLehjYUZ


client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = 
    new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("sso-key", "VUjHMntw_UyosKRMGaLXE4e3E1h29Xx:DSqM2jiJcRyXvSbLehjYUZ");

Authorization: 前缀是通过方法调用为您分配的。


    static void Main(string[] args)

    public static async Task<string> TestDomain()

        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Authorization", "sso-key VUjHMntw_UyosKRMGaLXE4e3E1h29Xx:DSqM2jiJcRyXvSbLehjYUZ");

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("https://api.ote-godaddy.com/v1/domains/available?domain=google.com");

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                return result;

                return response.ReasonPhrase;



' ' Visual Basic ' 控制台应用程序 ' 注册 GoDaddy(这似乎只适用于生产密钥、秘密和 URL ' ' 示例使用 ' 你想在家里托管一个域名(例如 ISP = Cox Cable)但是你有一个动态的 IP 地址,而不是静态的 ' 大约每分钟调用一次此例程(GoDaddy 有每小时 60 次的限制),它将更改 GoDaddy 的 A 记录以指向您家中的新 IP '

模块模块 1

Const DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS As String = ""
Const GODADDYKEY_AND_SECRET As String = "GoDaddyKeyGoesHere:GoDaddySecretGoesHere"  'key:secret  Get this from GoDaddy API.  Use Production (not test)
Public objGoDaddyResult As Object = Nothing

Public vbWhack As String = "\"

Sub Main()
    Dim sCurrentCoxIPAddress As String
    Dim sCurrentARecordIPAddress As String

    sCurrentCoxIPAddress = GetExternalIPMain()          ' Calls up to three "services" to get you public-facing IP address

    If sCurrentCoxIPAddress <> DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS Then
        ' Call GoDaddy API to get what the current A Record is set to
        sCurrentARecordIPAddress = ghExtract(Trim(objGoDaddyResult.ToString), ghEscape("4Data4:4"), ghEscape("4,4name4"))

        If sCurrentCoxIPAddress = sCurrentARecordIPAddress Then
            Console.WriteLine("IP Addresses match, nothing to do")
            Console.WriteLine("Cox dynamically changed my IP.  Changed A Record at GoDaddy")
            'Call GoDaddy API to Change A Record.
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("Could not find IP address after looking at three Websites")
    End If


End Sub

Private Async Function GetGoDaddyARecord() As Task(Of String)
    Dim MyWebClient = New Net.Http.HttpClient()
    Dim msgResponseMessage As Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage

    Const GODADDY_API_CALL As String = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/" & YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE & "/records/A/@"

    MyWebClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = New Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("sso-key", GODADDYKEY_AND_SECRET)
    msgResponseMessage = Await MyWebClient.GetAsync(GODADDY_API_CALL)

    If msgResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode = True Then
        objGoDaddyResult = Await msgResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
        objGoDaddyResult = msgResponseMessage.ReasonPhrase
    End If

    Return objGoDaddyResult

End Function

Private Async Function PutGoDaddyARecord(ByVal strNewARecord As String) As Task(Of String)
    Dim sGoDaddyData As String
    Dim wcWebClient = New Net.Http.HttpClient()
    Dim scStringContent As Net.Http.StringContent
    Dim msgGoDaddyResponse As Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage
    Dim uriMyURI As Uri

    Const GODADDY_API_CALL As String = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/" & YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE & "/records/A/@"
    Const GODADDY_DATA As String = "[{4data4:4[[NEW_A_RECORD]]4}]"
    sGoDaddyData = Replace(GODADDY_DATA, "[[NEW_A_RECORD]]", strNewARecord,,, CompareMethod.Text)
    sGoDaddyData = ghEscape(sGoDaddyData)
    uriMyURI = New Uri(GODADDY_API_CALL)
    scStringContent = New Net.Http.StringContent(sGoDaddyData, Text.UnicodeEncoding.UTF8, "application/json")

    wcWebClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = New Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("sso-key", GODADDYKEY_AND_SECRET)
    msgGoDaddyResponse = Await wcWebClient.GetAsync(GODADDY_API_CALL)

    If msgGoDaddyResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode = True Then
        msgGoDaddyResponse = Await wcWebClient.PutAsync(uriMyURI, scStringContent)
        objGoDaddyResult = msgGoDaddyResponse.ReasonPhrase
        objGoDaddyResult = msgGoDaddyResponse.ReasonPhrase
    End If

    Return objGoDaddyResult

End Function

' Calls three websites
' This is more a robust approach because it scrapes somebody else's website and we have no control over their future changes.
Private Function GetExternalIPMain() As String
    Dim sReturn As String = DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS

    sReturn = GetExternalIP1()
    If sReturn = DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS Then
        sReturn = GetExternalIP2()
        If sReturn = DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS Then
            sReturn = GetExternalIP3()
            If sReturn = DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS Then
            End If
        End If
    End If

    Return Trim(sReturn)
End Function

' [1 of 3] feron.it
Private Function GetExternalIP1() As String
    Const WEB_PAGE_WITH_MYIP As String = "http://tools.feron.it/php/ip.php"
    Dim sReturn As String = DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS
    Dim MyWebClient As Net.WebClient = New Net.WebClient()

        sReturn = MyWebClient.DownloadString(WEB_PAGE_WITH_MYIP)
    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    Return sReturn
End Function

' [2 of 3] dyndns.org
Private Function GetExternalIP2() As String
    Const WEB_PAGE_WITH_MYIP As String = "http://checkip.dyndns.org/"
    Const BEGIN_SCRAPE_STRING As String = "Current IP Address: "
    Const END_SCRAPE_STRING As String = "</body>"

    Dim sReturn As String = DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS
    Dim MyWebClient As Net.WebClient = New Net.WebClient()
    Dim sPageContents As String = ""

        sPageContents = MyWebClient.DownloadString(WEB_PAGE_WITH_MYIP)
    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    If Len(sPageContents) > 0 Then
        sReturn = ghExtract(sPageContents, BEGIN_SCRAPE_STRING, END_SCRAPE_STRING)
    End If

    Return sReturn
End Function

' [3 of 3] ap-adress.com
Private Function GetExternalIP3() As String
    Const WEB_PAGE_WITH_MYIP As String = "http://www.ip-adress.com/"
    Const BEGIN_SCRAPE_STRING As String = "Your IP address is: <strong>"
    Const END_SCRAPE_STRING As String = "</strong>"

    Dim sReturn As String = DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS
    Dim MyWebClient As Net.WebClient = New Net.WebClient()
    Dim sPageContents As String = ""

        sPageContents = MyWebClient.DownloadString(WEB_PAGE_WITH_MYIP)
    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    If Len(sPageContents) > 0 Then
        sReturn = ghExtract(sPageContents, BEGIN_SCRAPE_STRING, END_SCRAPE_STRING)
    End If

    Return sReturn
End Function

' Function I like
Private Function ghExtract(ByVal strString As String, ByVal strBegin As String, ByVal strEnd As String) As String
    Dim sReturn As String = ""

    Dim iTempBegin As Integer = InStr(strString, strBegin, CompareMethod.Text) + Len(strBegin)
    Dim iTempEnd As Integer = InStr(strString, strEnd, CompareMethod.Text)
    If iTempEnd > iTempBegin Then
        sReturn = Strings.Mid(strString, iTempBegin, iTempEnd - iTempBegin)
    End If

    Return sReturn

End Function

' Function I like
Public Function ghEscape(ByVal strString As String) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    If ghInstrBinary(strString, vbWhack) = True Then
        For i = 1 To 254
            strString = Replace(strString, vbWhack & Strings.Right("00" & i.ToString, 3), Chr(i),,, CompareMethod.Binary)
    End If
    Return strString
End Function

' Function I like
Function ghInstrBinary(ByVal strString As String, strSearchString As String) As Boolean
    Dim bReturn As Boolean = False
    If InStr(strString, strSearchString, CompareMethod.Binary) > 0 Then
        bReturn = True
    End If
    Return bReturn
End Function
