工头:命令 "start" 未定义

Foreman: Command "start" is not defined

我在尝试从命令行 运行 foreman start 时遇到上述错误。

我安装了 gem:

gem install foreman

然后定义了一个procfile。为什么会出现此错误?当我 运行 工头列表时,我得到:

Available commands:
  build         Commission Forman to build a new Laravel app for you
  help          Displays help for a command
  list          Lists commands
  scaffold      Generate a scaffolded Foreman template file
  self-update   Updates the application.

https://github.com/Indatus/foreman 你用了不同的工头:) https://github.com/ddollar/foreman这就是你需要的