尝试使用 nightwatch 启动 selenium chrome 驱动程序时的弃用通知

DEPRECATION NOTICE while trying to launch selenium chrome driver using nightwatch

我将 chromedriver 与 nightwatch 一起用于我的 web-ui 测试。在我收到此消息之前一切正常。我该如何解决这个问题

DEPRECATION NOTICE: Property chrome_driver is deprecated since v0.5.    
Please use the "cli_args" object on the "selenium" property to define 
"webdriver.chrome.driver". E.g.:
    "cli_args": {

答案在你自己的问题中,在 Nightwatch 网站的 example 中:

"selenium" : {
  "start_process" : false,
  "server_path" : "",
  "log_path" : "",
  "host" : "",
  "port" : 4444,
  "cli_args" : {
    "webdriver.chrome.driver" : "<chromedriver path>"
