Pandas trim 特定的前导字符

Pandas trim specific leading characters


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({
       'A' : ['a', 'b','c', 'd'],
       'B' : ['and one', 'two','three', 'and four']


    A   B
0   a   and one
1   b   two
2   c   three
3   d   and four

我想 trim 关闭 'and ' 从以该字符串部分开始的任何单元格的开头。 想要的结果如下:

    A   B
0   a   one
1   b   two
2   c   three
3   d   four


您可以使用正则表达式 str.replace:

>>> df
   A          B
0  a    and one
1  b        two
2  c  three and
3  d   and four
>>> df["B"] = df["B"].str.replace("^and ","")
>>> df
   A          B
0  a        one
1  b        two
2  c  three and
3  d       four

(请注意,我在第 2 行的末尾放置了一个 "and",以表明它不会被更改。)